
Brau wow wow!


Diva, a Rottweiler, slurped up a chilled glass of Slobber Lager, left, and Miko tried to decide among three bowlfuls of the summer treat, above. Slobber Lager, the creation of Heartland Brewery’s owner, Jon Bloostein, was enthusiastically received by dogs that participated in the Tuesday morning taste-testing event held at the Union Square Heartland Brewery, sponsored by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. The alcohol-free doggy brewski is mostly made of beef broth, barley and other grains, which makes this treat not only nutritious but also delicious for man’s best friend. Although Slobber Lager is only available for a limited run, after the flood of positive responses from dog-owning New Yorkers, the brewery might consider adding it to its menu. The tasting was the kickoff for the A.S.P.C.A.’s upcoming October fundraiser, Horse N’ Around.

Janet Kwon