Stop clicking those ruby slippers. They won’t work until you’ve conquered your fears. Lucky road construction material, color: Brick, Yellow.
Your bullheaded refusal to accept an offer will alienate you from potentially helpful Godfather figures. Lucky time for an apocalypse: Now.
Like a sleigh named Rosebud, a stranger’s cryptic comment sheds only partial light on your vexing problem. Lucky newspaper, besides this one: New York Inquirer.
You will find your superhero friend’s origin story predictable and tedious, compared to their current fantastic adventure. Lucky strength source: Bionics.
During a life-changing road trip with an eccentric pal, you will help a pair of mismatched cops solve a crime. Lucky Corvette size, color: Little, Red.
These aren’t the droids you’re looking for. Let those you’ve been pestering go about their business. Lucky space port: Mos Eisley.
Your cornfield commute home will be livened up by the unexpected appearance of a murderous crop duster. Lucky direction: Northwest.
You will be pelted by pennies from heaven while caught carelessly singing in the rain. Lucky umbrella position: Upside down.
A dangerous liaison leads to an affair to remember which will turn into a fatal attraction. Lucky breakfast location: At Tiffany’s.
Don’t book an overnight stay at that rundown hotel run by a creepy loner. The shower you’re craving isn’t worth the hassle. Lucky almanac: Old Farmer’s.
Pack a light lunch for your trip to the amusement park. Running from dinosaurs on a full stomach will slow you down. Lucky battery: D.
While summering in the Catskills, you will enjoy many suggestive dances with an instructor who demands you not be put in the corner. Lucky laundry state: Dirty.