Aesthetic realism foundation, 141 Greene St., 212-777-4490: Mar. 5-“How Can Understanding Your Husband Be Exciting?” 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m., $8.
Apexart, Tribeca Grand, 2 6th Ave., 212-431-5270: Feb. 23-Resident talk with curators Keisuke Ozawa & Yukie Kamiyam 6:30 p.m., free.
Auto-free new york, NYPD Downtown Center, 104 Washington St., 212-475-3394: Feb. 22-“Freedom from Car Dependency – The Key to Livable Cities,”6-8 p.m., free.
Center for jewish history, 15 W. 16th St., 917-606-8200: Mar. 2-Panel discussion: “Having Trouble to Pray,” 7 p.m., free with museum admission.
Cooper union, the Great Hall, 7 E. 7th St., 212-353-4158: Mar. 3-“Sports Medicine:Implications of New Technologies,” a lecture by Stephen J. Nicholas, in the Wollman Auditorium, 51 Astor Place, 6 p.m., free.
Hebrew union college, One West Fourth St., 212-824-2293: Women of Torah Seminar Series: Feb. 23-“Spinoza & the Quest for Meaning,” by Professor Carol Ochs, 6:30 p.m., $50 per seminar, registration is manditory.
Nyu maison francaise, 16 Washington Mews, 212-998-8750: Mar. 1-”De l’usage des mythes de femmes de pouvoir,” by Elaine Viennot, in French, 7 p.m., free.
SOHO PHOTO, 15 White St., 212-226-8571: Park West Camera Club hosts monthly slide lectures by well known photographers, call for further information.
TOASTMASTERS CLUB, 125 Worth St., 3rd Fl., 782-4850: 2nd & 4th Tue. of every month– “Strengthen & Enhance” presentations, leadership & listening skills, other hidden speaking talents & thinking quickly on your feet, 6-7:30 p.m.,