
Letters to the editor

Tasini did speak

To The Editor:

Re “Clinton’s Downtown blues” (UnderCover, June 2 – 8):

In your last issue, the long blurb on the Downtown Independent Democrats endorsement meeting quoted their president, Sean Sweeney, as noting that Denny Farrell, state chairperson of the Democratic State Committee, was refusing to allow Jonathan Tasini, candidate for U.S. Senate, to speak at the meeting of the Reform Caucus at the Democratic State Convention in Buffalo.

Denny Farrell has no role in the Reform Caucus. It is an independent caucus made up of State Committee members who believe in the reform movement.

The Reform Caucus did allow Jonathan Tasini to speak at our membership meeting in Buffalo.

Doris Corrigan

Corrigan is Democratic state committee member for the 75th Assembly District and a Reform Caucus member.

Demolition has company

To The Editor:

Lincoln Anderson’s article about the rally to crush the demolition law was very good news for us at 67 Vestry St. (news article, May 26 – June 1, “Rally to crush demolition law”). Our new landlord has told us he intends to demolish the inside of our building. We didn’t know we had so much company, and that many regulated buildings face “phony demolition.”

It’s great to know we aren’t alone, and that Assemblymember Glick and Councilmember Rosie Mendez have formed the “Phony Demolition Task Force” and are introducing legislation to protect tenants from eviction. If Senator Martin Connor and the other elected representatives jump on the bandwagon too we can protect our citizens and neighborhoods from predatory practices, and our neighborhoods will retain some of the people and energy that helped make these special places what they are.

Our building is a great building with a history and authenticity. Sixty-seven Vestry St. was one of the first buildings artists moved into in the ‘70s, and it has been and still is home to many famous artists and others who helped make Tribeca what it is. In the case of our building, the threat of phony demolition is particularly rude. We are rent stabilized because we tenants put in the money and labor to get the original certificate of occupancy and bring the building up to code.

Thank you to our elected officials and the Downtown Express. It’s hard for elected officials to say no to real estate interests. I think it’s very brave of Assemblymember Glick and Councilmember Mendez to take a stand.

Cathy Drew

Get tough on vendors

To The Editor:

Re “Gerson eyes Pier A & Tribeca for vendor spots” (news article, June 2 – 8):

It is somewhat encouraging that Councilmember Alan Gerson finds the vendor situation in Soho intolerable, but I have been telling everyone that for years and years — writing and calling and e-mailing him, the First Precinct, the mayor, even Downtown Express.

I warned that the intolerable situation on Prince St. would spread to Spring St. and it certainly has in the last few months.

The vendors have a goldmine in Soho and they are not voluntarily going to relocate, and more will keep coming.

Some very tough love is needed. The police have to warn the vendors on Saturday at 1 p.m. they are not allowed on these streets, follow up at 4 p.m., and then show up with the van to take them away on Sunday. Unfortunately, follow up is rarely done and the lieutenant who is in charge of the vendor enforcement doesn’t even work on Sundays.


Bonnie Lynn

WWW Downtown Express