
New prez is ‘Ushered’ in


In another smooth transition, Dan Miller, center, took over as president of the Greenwich Village Little League last month, succeeding George Usher, right, formerly of the Bongos, who led the league for the past year. Rich Caccappolo, left, another former league president, continues to play a key role in G.V.L.L.’s operations. The “passing of the bat” occurred at Pier 40, on W. Houston St., as the league also presented awards for the many volunteers who make G.V.L.L. run. Things got off to a rocky start as park security told the parents they couldn’t drink a few beers on the loading dock ringing the pier’s courtyard field. The G.V.L.L.’ers picked up their sandwiches and moved everything inside to the P3 space — just reinforcing their spirit of “teamwork,” Miller said. Miller, 46, attended Middlebury College, has a film production company in Tribeca and resides in Morton Square. He lived in Tribeca for 24 years.