
Hey girl, Ryan Gosling doesn’t want you buying Costco’s eggs

Ryan Gosling really cares about chicks.

Baby chickens, that is.

After the Humane Society of the United States published an undercover investigation of Costco’s eggs this June, the mega-celeb voiced his disapproval of the wholesale store’s practices.

The HSUS video revealed Costco’s egg supplier “cramming chickens into tiny cages, forcing birds to live in cages with the decayed, mummified corpses of their dead cage-mates, and engaging in other inhumane practices that are bad for animals and food safety.”

Gosling may or may not fill his cart with extra-large cereal boxes at Costco, but he has voiced his support of Costco going cage free.

In an open letter to Craig Jelinek, CEO of Costco Wholesale Corporation, Gosling calls out the company for its deceptive packaging and cruel treatment of chickens.

“It is appalling that Costco has been selling these eggs with deceptive labeling on cartons featuring graphics of birds living out in a green pasture. You’re already eliminating cages for veal calves and pigs – don’t you feel that chickens also deserve the same mercy?” Gosling writes. “I sincerely hope that Costco will set plans now to go completely cage-free for its eggs.”

Costco has yet to publicly respond, via meme or otherwise.

Perhaps a special cage-free breakfast in bed cooked up by Gosling himself could help speed up the process.