
Letters, Week of April 9, 2015

Letters to The Editor, Week of Jan. 3, 2018

Natural gas vs. heating oil

To The Editor:
Re “Illegal gas tapping eyed in deadly E.V. explosion” (news article, April 2):

My building recently switched to natural gas as opposed to heating oil, for whatever reason. Then the gas was shut off, more than a year ago. Somebody smelled something. We have heat and hot water, but no gas for stoves. We’ve had endless changes and inspections. Heating oil is a liquid and safer? Natural gas is a gas and therefore more volatile, especially in our old Lower East Side buildings? 

The Villager might serve a community service by finding out how many buildings in the L.E.S. have gas shutdowns. There are many. What’s going on?

It seems some folks, perhaps meaning well, or not, just don’t know how dangerous and flammable the technology being forced on them is.
Thomas Walker

Nice job!

To The Editor:
Re “Illegal gas tapping eyed in deadly E.V. explosion” (news article, April 2):

There have been many articles written about the East Village catastrophe. Lincoln Anderson’s story is one of the most well-written, thoughtful and in-depth, covers many perspectives and raises possible solutions. It also celebrates the Village’s indomitable community spirit. Thank you.
Jeanie Chin

Committed to her cats

To The Editor:
Re “How one cat survived the Second Ave. catastrophe” (news article, April 2):

There are many heroes in this disaster, as the writer points out, not the least of which are the F.D.N.Y. rescuers who went the extra mile to even provide Laszlo with a can of tuna!

But surely there is another hero (modestly unacknowledged here): Laszlo’s owner — or should I say Laszlo’s human? — Yvonne, who worked tirelessly to find him and the other cats as well, never giving up for days, up to the point she wrote this article.

She obviously has as big a beating heart as Laszlo! And thanks to her, we have at least one happy-ending story to this terrible event.
Katherine Cole

He shoots! He scores!

To The Editor:
Re “Knicks award winner has had countless assists” (sports article, March 26):

Tony had a vision that has resulted in many young individuals finding their way to college. We need more individuals like Tony who are attempting to make a difference in the lives of so many of our young people. Congratulations, Tony, on receiving this award. Syracuse University is proud to have participated each year in the Latino College Expo.
Lonnie Morrison
Morrison is director of admissions, New York metro area, Syracuse University

A few facts on Knight

To The Editor:
Re “Robert Knight of WBAI is remembered at memorial” (memorial, March 2):

Thank you for your coverage of the tribute to Robert Knight. Just to correct the record: With the WBAI layoffs, Knight was officially dropped from “The Five O’clock Shadow,” but continued with his volunteer “Earthwatch” program. Also, he was never a Jesuit seminarian, but at one point had considered becoming a Franciscan brother.
Pamela Somers

E-mail letters, not longer than 250 words in length, to news@thevillager.com or fax to 212-229-2790 or mail to The Villager, Letters to the Editor, 1 Metrotech North, 10th floor, Brooklyn, NY, NY 11201. Please include phone number for confirmation purposes. The Villager reserves the right to edit letters for space, grammar, clarity and libel. Anonymous letters will not be published.