
Not scared by privatization

To The Editor:
Re: Mike Altman’s and Laurence Vide’s response to my letter, July 6 and June 29.

I want to assure both men that I am not scared at all by privatization. Two letters by its opponents show that perhaps you are the scared ones. Since I moved here nine years ago, my maintenance has gone up about 20 percent. I doubt it will go up that high if we go private. We will choose a better management team. Any apartment sold into the future for the first time will have to pay a 28 percent flip tax no matter when it is sold. That can go on indefinitely.

I think that is fair to maintain the co-op. When all is said and done, the vote that all legal residents in the complex will cast will decide our future. Sixty-six percent decided to do the study that was required, and we did get that vote. Now, we will need 66 percent to actually go private. Stop frightening people and let them make up their own minds.
Phylis Salom