
Scoopy’s, Week of May 21, 2015

Scoopy the cat was The Villager’s office mascot in the paper’s early days. In fact, there were a number of Scoopys over the years.
Anthony Edwards perused The Villager in “Motherhood” — not giving Uma Thurman his full attention!
Anthony Edwards perused The Villager in “Motherhood” — not giving Uma Thurman his full attention!

Lights, camera, action! It looks like The Villager is going to have yet another movie cameo. The paper’s front page was notably featured in the breakfast scene for Uma Thurman’s 2009 film “Motherhood,” plus, even made it into the trailer. This is just one reason why Thurman is one of our favorite actresses. Now, we hear from a “product placement coordinator” that the plan is to use The Villager in the new indie film “Wolves,” starring Amy Ryan, Michael Shannon and Taylor John Smith. The movie, most of which, like “Motherhood,” takes place in the West Village, begins shooting June 19. The main character is Anthony Keller, 18, a.k.a. “Saint,” a high school basketball star “who does his best to live up to his name.” But he faces big challenges. Mainly, his family life is a mess because his troubled dad has a gambling addiction. Anyway, the plan is to show The Villager with some sports articles (fictitious, obviously) about young Keller’s exploits on the court. Again, we are hoping it makes the cut for the trailer.

Lydia Lunch, who now lives in Barcelona, is back visiting the ’hood.
Lydia Lunch, who now lives in Barcelona, is back visiting the ’hood.

Let’s do Lunch: Former Downtown arts icon Lydia Lunch spoke about No Wave and the Lower East Side in the 1970s on Sun., May 17, at the new Howl! Happening gallery on E. First Street. Joining her in a panel discussion were Bob Bert, the ex-Sonic Youth drummer; Bibbe Hansen, ex-Warhol Superstar and alt musician Beck’s mom; cultural critic Carlo McCormick and Transgressive filmmaker Kembra Pfahler, with moderator Weasel Walter, who plays with Lunch in the reunited Jesus and the Jerks. An exhibit on Lunch’s career, “So Real It Hurts,” featuring posters, photos, vintage magazines, vinyl 45s, and more, is on view through June 5.

Bibbe Hansen was on the panel of art luminaries.  PHOTOS BY PATRICK O’REILLY
Bibbe Hansen was on the panel of art luminaries. PHOTOS BY PATRICK O’REILLY

Correction: An article in last week’s issue, “Pols, law profs, Sierra Club back N.Y.U. plan antis’ suit,” incorrectly stated that LaGuardia Corner Gardens was one of the groups that had  filed an amicus brief on behalf of the community plaintiffs’ lawsuit against the N.Y.U. 2031 mega-project slated for the South Village superblocks. In fact, LaGuardia Corner Gardens is one of the petitioners in the lawsuit.