
The A-List


Sat 1.27

Photo Ingenue

Tues 1.30

Near and Far East artists on the L.E.S.

Wed 1.31

Net Neutrality 101

If the current Net Neutrality debate has you a bit confused, then come hear leading Internet advocate and scholar Susan Crawford, an Associate Professor of Law at New York’s Cardozo Law School, explain the finer points of this obscure law provision and its meaning for the future of communications. Hosted by Blogging Liberally. 7 p.m., The Tank, 279 Church Street, 212-563-6269, www.thetanknyc.org.

Wed 1.31

One-on-One Theater

Godfather of Indie Rock

There are few singer/songwriters as fun to watch as Jonathan Richman, who is even zanier live than his hilarious cameo in “Something about Mary.” You can see the indie rock pioneer tonight through Saturday, as he helps kick off the Knitting Factory’s 20th anniversary. Tickets $20 advance/$23 day of show. Thur-Sat., Feb. 1-3. Knitting Factory, 74 Leonard St., 212-219-3132, www.ticketweb.com.