
Amy Schumer tips ‘Hamilton’ bartenders $1,000 at Richard Rodgers Theatre

Actress and comedian Amy Schumer left a $1,000 tip on a $77 booze bill at the Richard Rodgers Theatre Saturday night while seeing a performance of “Hamilton: An American Musical” – to reviews as positive as those given Broadway’s hottest show.

“It’s rent money! It’s survival money! It took us all by surprise,” said actor and bartender Madeleine DeJohn, who posted a copy of Schumer’s receipt with the tip of a hundred Hamiltons on Instagram.

The lavish tip also got a shout-out on Twitter from another bartender. @sblaursen posted a picture of six people gathered in the bar area of the theater holding a receipt.

“From the bartenders @HamiltonMusical thank you @amyschumer for making our night!”

Tips at the theater are pooled, said DeJohn, 24, who lives in the Financial District.

DeJohn said a friend using Schumer’s credit card added the tip, saying “Amy wants to be sure you get this.”

Schumer has “seen the show before,” said DeJohn, noting Saturday’s performance was at least the star’s second time in the audience.

“She liked my Instagram post!” said DeJohn, noting that before the outspoken Schumer hit the big time, “She was doing this. She knows what it’s like to be a struggling artist.”

Drinks at Broadway shows are typically expensive and tips often are not as lavish as those received in bars, acknowledged DeJohn. “I’m happy when someone throws down a dollar on a beer,” she said.