Spicy food will make you sweat. And you might ask, why would I want to sweat if i’m already sweating? Well, sweating helps your body to cool off! And eating is a lot more fun than working out, if you ask us.
The cuisines of Central and South America, India, Africa, Southeast Asia and the Caribbean are all places to look for spicy food ideas, as hot peppers play a central role in many of the dishes from those areas. One spicy dish that is one of the best in the city is the spicy cumin lamb hand-ripped noodles from Xian Famous Foods. $8, various locations, xianfoods.com
Another place to get delicious, spice-tastic eats is Harold Dieterle’s “contemporary” Thai restaurant Kin Shop. The laab salad is a fire-in-your-mouth explosion. $14.
And for something totally different, Peaches Hot House in Bed-Stuy makes Nashville-style fried chicken that’s loaded with cayenne. MMMMM. We feel really cool right now.
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Photo Credit: GEORGIA KRAL -
Getting back to basics here, water-filled veggies and fruits are the most refreshing thing ever on a hot summer day. This one’s pretty obvious. Do we need to say more? Raw foods high in water content include: watermelon, sugar snap peas, cucumbers and pineapple. All of these (except pineapple) are local and in season, so get to the Farmer’s Market and pick some up. Fresh=flavor.
If you’d rather eat out, you can get chilled watermelon with lemon verbena, sea salt and cayenne pepper at the delicious fried chicken restaurant Root & Bone. 200 E. Third St, 646-682-7076, rootnbone.com
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Photo Credit: iStock -
We don’t know if there’s any actual science behind this, but eating seafood on a hot day just feels so perfect, so right, that there is a cooling factor to it. Again, this might have something to do with setting. Eating freshly shucked oysters on the water, or peel and eat shrimp by the bay, with a cool breeze and a crisp ale or glass of rose, is pretty much perfect. Just trust us on this one, OK? (Note: fried seafood will likely NOT make you feel cooler.)
Best places to eat seafood in NYC:
Brooklyn Crab, 24 Reed St., Red Hook, brooklyncrab.com
Maison Premiere (backyard), 298 Bedford Ave., Williamsburg, maisonpremiere.com
Grand Banks, Pier 25, Hudson River Park, grandbanks.org
City Island Lobster House, 691 Bridge St., City Island, cilobsterhouse.com
Randazzo’s Clam Bar, 2017 Emmons Ave., Sheepshead Bay, 718-615-0010, randazzosclambar.com
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Photo Credit: Natan Dvir -
This is another ‘duh’ entry. Of course sweet and cold desserts will cool you off! Why else would so many people eat ice cream all summer long? (It can’t be the sugar high alone, can it?)
We love soft serve, from Mister Softee to Momofuku Milk Bar, but if you’re looking for the best hard ice cream in the city, check out our definitive list.
And don’t forget about all the other cold desserts – from popsicles to shaved ices.
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Photo Credit: Jeremy Bales
It’s hot, we know. But you still need to eat! (And drink!)
Chill out with these eats and libations.