
Christina Gonzalez

Still seeking help for Sandy losses

To The Editor:
In November, I submitted to Con Edison by mail a claim for loss of food due to Hurricane Sandy. I made a call to them several weeks ago and was told that I would be receiving a response by mail. I just received a response from their law department that because the storm was beyond their control, Con Edison is not responsible for property damage or other losses.

They suggest that I look to other agencies for help — which I did. FEMA denied me help. I was just seeking $150.00 to cover the groceries that I had purchased that very evening the outage occurred. I know that other people have it worse off. But I’m sure Con Edison has insurance and will be compensated. I would like to receive compensation at some point. People on welfare received compensation almost immediately for food loss. It’s not fair that hard-working people can’t get their fair share of help.

What can we do, the people of Chelsea and other areas, do to get some help? Most of us have limited incomes.
Thank you.
Christina Gonzalez