Parks before bikes
To The Editor:
This photograph is of newly installed bicycle parking equipment in Duarte Park, a public park.
This use of public park space sets a very concerning precedent.
I am concerned that a public park is being used to store bicycles. Will cars be next? If we want to encourage bicycle use in the city, and there are many benefits for doing just that, we should not be doing that at the expense of our parks and open spaces. Bicycles are vehicles and belong on the road together with all of the other vehicles. Cars and motorcycles by regulation are parked in the street. In most cases the city charges for this street parking. Bicycles should also be parked off of the sidewalk, particularly if the city provides space.
Also, in this particular case, bicyclists will no doubt be riding right up to and from the stands. This, just like bicycle riding on sidewalks, will be yet an additional source of disquiet in an area that is set aside for relaxation: our parks.
Roland Gebhard
Posted online and Hightlighted
“BREAKING: Plan floated to push P.S. 150 out of Tribeca” (News, April 25):
P.S. 150 started as “The Early Childhood Center”. It was a model of collaboration at all levels — with the children benefitting…. The student body was very diverse. The parents were also the founders of “Taste of Tribeca” which has been a terrific engine of support and change for the arts in education. The E.C.C. parent body shared the “Taste” event with the parent body of P.S. 234, and so it has continued as a model of public/private neighborhood collaboration. Where will the funding for Arts programs at P.S. 150 come from if the school is moved to Chelsea? As one of the founders of this event, and a past E.C.C. parent, I am deeply saddened.
Debrah Pearson Feinn
The Foundling Hospital sited school was supposed to provide MORE seats for the community not shuffle kids around.
A. Salo
Let’s try not try to rabble-rouse and create more angst & anxiety for ourselves or children; stick to the facts as we learn more and, above all, be civil about all of this….
The only constant in life is change itself and perhaps some [is] needed to ensure our children receive the education they deserve. We should be happy that the D.O.E. isn’t closing the school altogether…. The school is MOVING, not CLOSING (to Chelsea — from the current site, only 9 minutes by taxi, 15-20 minutes by bus or subway)…. It seems the entire school is to be moved to a brand new facility, with greater resources…. Let’s not also forget we have an arsenal of choices at our disposal…
I count our family lucky to be part of this unique, tight knit community which we’ve all helped create over the years and, together, we shouldn’t lose sight of that by… prematurely ringing the alarm bells.
The PROPOSAL stems from D.O.E. concerns…. Let’s break this down:
(1) “Overcrowding issues in our downtown schools”. MY TWO CENTS: It is my belief that by moving P.S. 150 out of the neighborhood, they will simply be creating more of an issue for the remaining neighborhood schools as parents will enroll their children in the other TriBeCA, FiDi and B.P.C. schools.
(2) “Questionable economic viability of a small school”. MY TWO CENTS: …Given that the school has flourished for close to 40 years it is difficult to accept this as fact…. The D.O.E. should provide more details. The school benefits from a very active P.T.A. and has done a terrific job of coming up with fundraisers… Is this really about money?
(3) “Concerns about professional development and lack of opportunity for collaboration for our teachers.” MY TWO CENTS: …I love our teachers and think this “issue” should be addressed away from the discussion of moving the school.
(4) “Expanded opportunities for our students” …This statement is offensive – I would take the love and sense of community that P.S. 150 possesses over a gymnasium any day.
I love P.S. 150… I think Jenny is great… and I would like to think (while she can’t say this) she wants P.S. 150 to stay where it is.
“W.T.C. security plan gets hearing April 23” (News, April 22):
There are no contingencies for flood, emergency evacuation, traffic congestion and commercial and residential stakeholders. Do we really need 650 new police officers? Why is the N.Y.P.D. rushing this plan through? Been living and working in Tribeca for 40 years and this is really something to consider, not run through the process. After all, it is not to be completed by 2019. What is the rush?
Dan Alterman
“S.O.S., Seaport Museum says it’s getting pushed out” (News, April 18):
I visited the Seaport Museum during my 2012 trip to New York, and I would be greatly dismayed to think it is going to disappear from the waterfront area where it clearly makes sense to locate it. The same can be said for the few remaining ships that are berthed at Pier 17.
This area was one of my favorite places to hang out after a long day out and about in the city, and on all of my three visits to New York, I frequently found myself sitting at the end of the Pier 17 Mall watching as the evening sun cast golden rays on the buildings in Brooklyn.
By all means rebuild the mall, but for the city’s sake, keep the Seaport Museum, the ships, and the stunning views.
Adelaide, Australia