
Letters to the Editor

How quickly things change

To The Editor:

Re “Healthcare realities” (editorial, Oct. 21):

I don’t get it! The rich people, real-estate people and most New York City politicians were so loudly clamoring that the O’Toole Building be torn down, and that a $950 million, 32-story, “state-of-the-art boutique hospital for the 21st century” be built at Seventh Ave. and 12th St. to meet the needs of the Village community for years to come. Now, the very same people are telling us that New York and the West Village have no need for a hospital in that area after all, and that the city’s other hospitals can well absorb the patients no longer served by St. Vincent’s.

It doesn’t compute, to my mind, that in November 2009 the politicians and real-estate people said the West Village community needed not just any old hospital but an approximately $1 billion hospital on that exact spot. No place other than Seventh Ave. and 12th St. would be appropriate for an absolutely needed, Level 1 trauma hospital to serve the entire West Side from 59th St. to the Battery! And now, “Just take a cab crosstown to Beth Israel if you’re in trouble” is their attitude.

I do hope that you are wrong and that the powers that be will serve our needs by getting a good hospital for the West Village within a reasonable amount of time.

Elizabeth Ryan

Dream of a new hospital

To The Editor:

Re “Healthcare realities” (editorial, Oct. 21):

“With West Chelsea’s building boom and the Hudson Yards’ development, a new hospital will be needed even more in our area,” your editorial states.

This tells me that you believe that a new hospital is needed. I agree.

Carol Venticinque

Tallmer mines pure gold

To The Editor:

Re “From night into day in Chile at the San Jose Mine” (talking point, by Jerry Tallmer, Oct. 21):

Thank you, Jerry, for your wonderful article.

I am the mother of the grandson of Orlando Letelier. The beauty of the Chilean spirit has shined brightly and overcome the dark years of Pinochet.

Monica Mercedes Perez Jimenez

Obama critic is outraged

To The Editor:

Re “Pages from an unwritten diary: Dickering and hating” (talking point, Oct. 7, by Jerry Tallmer):

Tallmer writes: “In their heart of hearts, if they could lynch him, they would. Strange fruit all over again.”

These words — directed at anyone with the temerity to oppose our current president — were evidently deemed fit to print by your publication; which isn’t all that surprising, given the number of infantile screeds authored by the same gentleman that you’ve published in the past. But this little bit of hate-filled lunacy takes his offensive act to a whole new level. I think the word “disgusting” captures it best.

I’m not sure when my subscription ends, but feel free to stop delivery immediately. That’ll be the last issue I read of your ridiculous paper.

James Slater

Quinn showed her backbone

To The Editor:

We often hear TV pundits bemoan the fact that politicians today lack the backbone to make tough decisions. It is safer to ignore a problem today and blame someone else for the consequences tomorrow.

Well, I’m writing to say that we have a real leader in our midst. Someone who lived up to the high ideals of her office and took a stand on an issue that is both controversial and complicated. I’m talking about Council Speaker Christine Quinn’s decision to oppose legislation that would have forced businesses to provide paid sick days to their employees.

The Greenwich Village-Chelsea Chamber of Commerce joined a coalition of business groups that worked tirelessly to identify and communicate the adverse and unintended consequences of this bill. Had it become law, it would have forced many businesses to freeze hiring, eliminate jobs, cut benefits, move out of the city or even fold.

Make no mistake, all the business leaders we work with respect and value their employees, and no one wants an employee to come to work sick. Most businesses provide paid sick leave, shift swapping or some method to protect the income of a worker when he or she gets sick.

The speaker explored all aspects of this issue and, like Mayor Bloomberg, concluded that this bill is not in the best interest of workers or businesses. Her thoughtful decision will save jobs and give our economy the opportunity to grow.

We stand in full support of Speaker Quinn’s decision to oppose this legislation.

 Tony Juliano

Juliano is chairperson and president, Greenwich Village-Chelsea Chamber of Commerce

E-mail letters, not longer than 250 words in length, to news@thevillager.com or fax to 212-229-2790 or mail to The Villager, Letters to the Editor, 145 Sixth Ave., ground floor, NY, NY 10013. Please include phone number for confirmation purposes. The Villager reserves the right to edit letters for space, grammar, clarity and libel. The Villager does not publish anonymous letters.