Volume 19 Issue 53 | May 18 -24, 2007
Letters to the editor
Battle continues
To The Editor:
Southbridge Towers, a middle-income co-op, ran an election for the board of directors. In terms of numbers, the middle-income people lost this election — in terms of numbers only. As for me, this outcome does not mean I intend to sit here waiting for money to come falling down from the sky to pay my maintenance bill and other essentials.
Do those who won really feel triumphant after using deceptive promises of riches? Those promises can boomerang and be damaging to all of us. The more of the middle class that falls into poverty, the greater the peril to all of us in this city.
This election was an unfortunate occurrence. Our elected officials need to enter the fray now to help the middle class, the true majority, and must show a sincere interest in doing so, simply because it is the right position to take.
Geraldine Lipschutz
A voice for the voiceless
To The Editor:
Congratulations on your 20th anniversary issue (May 11 – 17, Anniversary Section, “20 Years: Covering events that changed our lives”). It was a great trip down memory lane from the past up to today. Your issue reminded me of how fortunate we are living in one of the few remaining free societies with a wealth of information sources available for any citizen to access.
In various neighborhoods all over the city you have far better coverage of local community events than any daily newspaper can provide. Residents along with those of us who work, shop and dine in the neighborhood look forward to each new edition of Downtown Express.
In the marketplace of ideas, let us hope there continues to be room for everyone. I’m grateful that the Downtown Express has on many occasions over the years afforded me the opportunity to express my views along with many others who may have different opinions on the issues of the day. Thanks to you, an ordinary citizen like myself is afforded the freedom to comment on the actions and legislation of various elected officials. Public officials are powerful with easy access to taxpayers dollars to promote their views. Ordinary citizens like myself only have the limited ability when we can to find the time and just submit a simple letter to the editor which you are reading now.
Larry Penner
Great Neck, New York
Letters policy
Downtown Express welcomes letters to The Editor. They must include the writer’s first and last name, a phone number for confirmation purposes only and any affiliation that relates directly to the letter’s subject matter. Letters should be less than 300 words. Downtown Express reserves the right to edit letters for space, clarity, civility or libel reasons. Letters should be e-mailed to news@DowntownExpress.com or can be mailed to 145 Sixth Ave., N.Y., N.Y. 10013.