Friends of the High Line offers a full slate of free, fun summer events for children, teens and adults. These range from studying the elevated park’s horticulture and wildlife to art projects, musical and dance performances — like the one above, underneath The Standard’s span — and movies. F.O.H.L. staff and volunteers survey park users to get their feedback. “We saw that kids wanted a little more free play and an opportunity to imagine and create,” said Danya Sherman, F.O.H.L. director of public programs, education and community engagement. “Many people expressed a lot of interest in films for families.” Free walking tours of the park are available every night at 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays around dusk, there’s free stargazing with telescopes. “We really gear our programs to our neighbors and New Yorkers,” Sherman said. There are activities year-round. For the event calendar, visit the High Line’s Web site,