A school safety agent was released without bail Tuesday evening after she allegedly tried to burn her husband inside her Brooklyn home, which was in complete disarray, said a spokeswoman from the Brooklyn District Attorney’s office.
Roniece Watson, 33, was charged with several offenses, including third-degree assault and four counts of endangering the welfare of her children after she allegedly took a lighter to her husband’s right knee and ankle inside her Brooklyn home just before 3 a.m., according to court records.
Authorities discovered her four children, 1 to 13 years old, allegedly sleeping on top of garbage, clothes and papers, including inside the crib, according to court records. And the refrigerator was allegedly filled with rotting food, flies and roaches.
Watson’s attorney could not be reached for comment. Her next court appearance is September 9.
Editor’s Note: An earlier version of this story stated a child had been burned in the home, based on information provided by officials. The story has been updated.