A Staten Island mother was charged with endangering the welfare of a child on Sunday after her blind and autistic son was found alone, naked and covered in human waste in their home, the district attorney’s office said.
Police were called at about 5 a.m. to an apartment at 601 Port Richmond Ave. in Port Richmond after a neighbor heard repeated banging on a window of the residence, according to the criminal complaint.
When police arrived, the boy’s mother, Ashely Bronte, 29, was not there. They found the 12-year-old boy naked, with dried feces and dried urine on his legs, the complaint said. Cops said the boy appeared to be 4 years younger than his age, the complaint said.
The responding officer added that there was urine on the mattress and carpet of a bedroom inside the apartment, the complaint said.
As police waited for Bronte for about 90 minutes, the boy sat rocking himself back and forth, didn’t open his eyes and repeatedly clenched and unclenched his hands, according to the complaint.
Bronte arrived at the home at 6:50 a.m. She told police that her son is blind, suffers from autism and epilepsy, and takes medical marijuana as a treatment, the complaint said.
Bronte’s lawyer, Joseph Sorrentino, said he understands the actions of the police and the DA’s office given the concerns of the child’s safety, but said allegations that Bronte’s son is neglected or malnourished are not accurate.
“The child’s best interests are everyone’s best interests,” he said, adding he believes he will be able to show that the child is very well cared for.