
Transit Sam, Week of Nov. 12, 2015

Thursday, Nov. 12 – Wednesday, Nov.18


Double football this week at Metlife Stadium! The Jets play the Bills 8:25 p.m. Thursday. A slow return to Manhattan Thursday night after the game: one tube of the Lincoln Tunnel will close 11 p.m. Thursday to 5 a.m. Friday, and at the same time in the Holland Tunnel one New Jersey-bound lane and one New York-bound lane will also close. Sunday, the Giants go up against the Patriots 4:25 p.m. Fan traffic to both games will hit Lower Manhattan as drivers avoid the Lincoln Tunnel and head south for the Holland Tunnel.

The Stone Street Pedestrian Mall finally comes to an end this weekend with closures 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Thursday through Sunday. Stone St. will close between Broad St. and Hanover Sq., and Mill Ln. will close between S. William and Stone Sts.

The Coenties Slip Thursday Greenmarket will close Coenties Sl. Between Water and Pearl Sts. for the second to last Thursday of the season, 6 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Brooklyn Bridge closures continue! All Manhattan-bound lanes will close Monday through Thursday nights, 11 p.m. to 6 a.m.

On West St./Route 9A, one southbound lane will close between Vesey and West Thames Sts. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday and Friday. Saturday and Sunday, one lane will be closed in each direction from Vesey St.to West Thames St. 6 a.m. to 2 p.m.

From the mailbag:

Dear Transit Sam,

I made a foolish mistake and parked on the wrong side of the street during alternate side parking. I received a ticket, which I have no problem paying — I broke the rules. The issue is that I received two tickets. The second one issued just ten minutes after the first. Each was issued by a different traffic enforcement officer. Isn’t this double jeopardy? What should I do?

Herbert, New York

Dear Herbert,

There is no double jeopardy for parking regulations – the law says as long as a vehicle is in violation, it can be cited. That means the second ticket is valid. I recommend you mail in both tickets, with a check enclosed for the fine of the first ticket. With the second ticket, write a letter explaining that you admit fault for the first ticket, but would like the second to be dismissed. Since the tickets were only issued ten minutes apart, you may get some leniency. You can present all this information in person too.

Transit Sam

Lower Manhattanites: you can send me your traffic and parking questions at transitsam@downtownexpress.com or tweet at @GridlockSam.