Looks like Governor Cuomo wants New Yorkers to stick to popping bottles.
“I signed legislation to prohibit the sale of powdered alcohol or ‘palcohol’ in New York State,” New York Governor Andrew Cuomo tweeted on Friday morning.
The FDA approved Palcohol this past March and twenty states have already banned the freeze-dried alcohol powder.
Governor Cuomo did indeed ban the sale of Palcol on Friday, August 14th, forcing weekend party-goers to continue their regular routines of drinking liquid alcohol.
“This dangerous product is a public health disaster waiting to happen,” Cuomo said in a statement. “I am proud to sign this legislation that will keep powdered alcohol off the shelves and out of the wrong hands.”
Because there are no illegal non-liquid substances in the ‘wrong hands’ in the State of New York.
Palcohol.com lists several reasons why the substance shouldn’t be banned, including, “Banning Palcohol will make it EASIER for kids to get it” and “Palcohol is actually harder to misuse than liquid alcohol.”
The now-banned Palcohol comes in vodka, rum, Cosmopolitan and Powderita flavors but the product’s website indicates they’re seeking alcohol distributors outside of the no-fun United States.
Assemblyman Steven Cymbrowitz also weighed in on the ban. “Powdered alcohol is a product with no legitimate reason for being,” he said. “Kids can stash Palcohol in their pocket when they leave the house for a party and their parents would never know the difference.”
In better news for booze lovers, Cuomo also signed legislation Friday to making it easier for micro-breweries to conduct tastings, sell gifts and not have to file redundant taxes.