On his way back to the office last week, Mayor Bloomberg bumped into Democratic presidential candidate Mike Gravel, the former senator for Alaska, left. Gravel, who also met with first responders in New York, made a campaign stop at City Hall and said he supports federal health care for ground zero workers and residents, as well as a bill to that effect sponsored by one of his opponents, Sen. Hillary Clinton. “I think it’s a good measure,” Gravel told Downtown Express. “A lot of people who lived in the neighborhood were damaged because they didn’t know, and the government didn’t tell them that there was an environmental hazard.” A few members of NY 911 Truth, which challenges the official explanation for the attack, appeared with Gravel. The senator said if elected, he would subpoena officials to find out who was behind the Sept. 11 attacks. Gravel also criticized NBC for barring him from Tuesday night’s debate.
9/11 health support