
A loving spoolful of resolutions; some, I’ll keep

By Jenny Klion

Hung over from my Miami trip — ’twas fabulous by the way — I realize it’s time to prep up for the New Year, via the grand resolutions. Personally, I don’t agree with magazine publishers who annually insist upon reporting the reasons why my New Year’s assertions aren’t going to stick: January’s a low point, expectations may be too high, etc. The whole principle here is to reflect and renew, and send a message out to the world as to how one wants to see oneself in the new year. Seems simple enough.

Judy, for example, has had an excellent year. She’s transformed herself into a radiant beauty. She’s an all-around girl — goalie for her soccer team, A-1 reader and writer, fantastic tap dancer, etc. — who’s always had an inspiring lust for life. She has a crush on the cutest boy in her class, is super sweet and creative and in 2004 looks forward to turning 7, going to Paris for a week for crepes and croissants, losing a few more loose teeth, enjoying herself with my yet-to-be-found new boyfriend, appearing on some Noggin TV show in February and overall, having lots of fun.

As for myself, I’m currently looking for the large spool of paper I wrote last year’s resolutions on. I’d like to unroll the whole thing right about now, check in and compare my goals from one year ago to the reality of my situation now. Well, without that guide handy — I know it’s around here somewhere (darn!) — I’ll just have to recap on my own:

2003. This was the year my divorce became final (marriage dissolved), I broke up with my edgy lover (several times now) and watched as Judy’s best friend’s family moved Upstate, one of my oldest friends transferred herself cross country and another became socially unlisted in the throes of new love. I got stuck in an elevator on my birthday and at another high point, some crazy man tried to lock me in the subway vestibule at 12th St. and Seventh Ave.

I went out on a coupla unsuccessful dates, got stood up once, had three men call to cancel existing dates before they happened and a fourth return to his old flame before our meeting actually came to fruition. (Apparently, he’s back in town again.) True, I turned down dating opportunities from four fine young men, and without going into incriminating specifics (i.e., a transsexual circus clown), my decision to pass on those possibilities seemed the right thing to do.

However, I’m not a total scrooge (au contraire, actually), and have enjoyed many of this past year’s fruits: the slow but sure fruition of my latest piece of dramatic writing (and my playwriting group’s participation in its creation), two much-needed beach trips in the summer and fall, the endless pride I get from watching Judy in action, my youthful body and mind and so forth. I added several original dishes to my cooking repertoire, finally discovered the right hair color to cover my graying locks (no small feat), found a beautiful new mother’s helper and twice delighted in the company of two entertaining older neighborhood men. I survived one blackout and several family crises, reconnected with my guitar and briefly returned to my performance career for a one-night stand in a hip theatrical, musical reading.

Now, merely days away, sits 2004. Before the year begins, I need to bring out a new roll of paper, lay it out on the floor and fill it up with colorful visualizations for the upcoming months ahead. You know, I call for the usual: love, prosperity, professional achievement, excellent health, creative development, great friendships, domestic happiness, serenity, etc. Judy helps me put the whole montage together, with music, crayons and determination, and it all seems simple enough. Afterwards, I’ll put the images away with last year’s resolutions, and hopefully, not only will I be able to find the list again, but I expect its magic will manifest a brand new me. That — I look forward to…

Overall, I’m sure I must have hit some of my goals from last year, but as December closes, it’s surely time to move on. And, not to be completely selfish and small-minded, as for more worldly resolves, all the basic ones apply: PEACE AND LOVE IN 2004!