
Holocaust memorial director to run W.T.C. museum


Greenwald, who is currently an associate director for museum programs at the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C., will shape the museum and determine how to tell the story of the attacks of September 11, 2001 and the bombing of February 26, 1993, at the site where the victims died.

The Foundation chose Greenwald in part because of her experience dealing the sensitivity surrounding the Holocaust Museum.

“It is an extraordinary challenge and responsibility to build a museum at the very place where people died next to the memorial which will honor them. I am confident that Alice is the perfect person to guide us there,” Foundation president and C.E.O. Gretchen Dykstra said in a prepared statement. The Foundation, a private non-profit organization, was created to build and ultimately oversee the museum and memorial.

The Lower Manhattan Development Corp., the city-state agency that designed the memorial and the museum, had a hand in choosing Greenwald. “Alice Greenwald has the expertise and vision we need to create a truly powerful and meaningful experience at the Memorial Museum,” said L.M.D.C. president Stefan Pryor in a prepared statement.

The Museum, part of the memorial, will have exhibits ranging from personal, day-to-day objects from the Trade Center, steel rescued from the site, witnesses’ accounts, and letters and cards of solidarity from around the world.

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