
Study: 81% of NYers frustrated with grocery shopping

Of those surveyed, 40% admitted to having expired food in their fridges.
Of those surveyed, 40% admitted to having expired food in their fridges. Photo Credit: Anthony Lanzilote

New Yorkers are slacking in terms of having well-stocked refrigerators, according to a new study from the grocery e-commerce site Peapod.com.

The site found that New Yorkers are 80% more likely to have condiments on their fridge shelves than proteins like meat and seafood.

We must really love condiments, too, as the study showed that the average grocery load that a city slicker carries weighs 19 lbs. But once we have them, we keep them until they fully run out: 40% of those surveyed admitted to having expired food items in their refrigerators.

Trips to the supermarket are apparently not high on our priority list, as we go the longest amount of time between grocery runs — 26.9 days — out of all the cities surveyed. This may explain why the study found that 81% of us are frustrated with the grocery shopping experience.

Peapod.com also looked at Boston, Chicago, Philadelphia and Washington D.C. Compared to those cities, New Yorkers are the most fond of take out and dining out, with 41% of those polled preferring those options over eating at home.

We would also be the most doomed in a zombie apocalypse, the site predicted, as the food in our fridges would last us an average of 6.6 days.