It’s time to haunt n’ roll.
Multiple ghost sightings have been reported over the years at the storied Lower East Side venue Arlene’s Grocery, according to the Brooklyn Paranormal Society, and after Monday night’s scheduled performance by Atlanta-born The Funeral Portrait, detectives from the Society will lead concertgoers in an attempt to contact one apparition in particular: Joey Ramone.
Brooklyn Paranormal Society founder Anthony Long and his team will deploy static electricity sensors, vibration sensors, analog audio recording (in this case, a Talkboy) and the assistance of psychics Monday night. A woman who claims to have dated a brother of an undisclosed Ramones band member and spent time with the band in their heyday will also be present for the hunt.
"If we have this person who has vivid memories of Joey Ramone and these psychics, maybe we have a chance at getting some intelligible responses," Long added.
Long, 32, of Bedford-Stuyvesant, founded the Brooklyn Paranormal Society three years ago after being "appalled" at what was passing for "Ghost Adventures" on television. While the organization maintains its tongue-in-cheek flair, previous events around the city have not been without incident.
"We haven’t seen a ghost, I would say that. But we have had intelligible responses. We have all the tools you see on TV," Long said. "People in the group, including myself, have been affected by the negativity and all the weirdness in the places we’ve been."
Headquartered in DUMBO, the Brooklyn Paranormal Society, which Long said primarily functions as a social club, has previously investigated the Gowanus Canal, where they confirmed the presence of an "incredible odor, may be spectral," according to their website.
Monday night’s free, 21-and-over show, which also features performances by It Lives, It Breathes and The Worst Humans, is scheduled to start at 6:45 p.m. and should wrap up for the ghost hunt around 10 p.m. Ramone once lived a few blocks from Arlene’s Grocery.