Sept. 23, 1943
* The 24th semi-annual Washington Sq. Outdoor Art Exhibit boosted war bond sales at a special gift exhibit on a corner lot at Thompson St. and Washington Sq. S., where pictures contributed by the artists were given to purchasers of war bonds.
* “Last call for stockings.” Because there was so little silk and nylon in stockings that were obtainable by then, the government planned to discontinue reclamation Sept. 30. Anyone with old or discarded silk or nylon stockings was requested to bring them to the C.D.C.O. salvage depot at 386 Sixth Ave. by the date. These would be made into parachutes and powder sacks for the armed forces.
* Rusty Schnozzler, an Irish setter, was awarded the 1943 Paddy Reilly Hero medal, presented annually by the Greenwich Village Humane League. Miss Alice Manchester, league president, hung the medal around Rusty’s neck at National Dog Week Ceremonies at the league’s animal clinic, 55 Eighth Ave. Rusty saved his mistress, Mrs. Alfred F. Wilcox, when she was overcome by gas fumes in her Grove St. apartment. Alternately barking and dragging her, Rusty got her to the door, which Wilcox was able to push open.