The Community Board 2 Parks and Waterfront Committee will not be discussing the proposed Washington Square Park Conservancy at its meeting this Wed., May 1. (See agenda below, with change highlighted in bold.) The committee felt the meeting’s agenda is too crowded with other items that will require extensive discussion — notably the Parks Department’s regulations on expressive matter vendors, including performers — so the decision was made to lay over the full discussion of the conservancy to a separate meeting, date to be assigned.
PARKS/WATERFRONT Richard Caccappolo, Chair
Wed., 5/1 @ 6:30 PM-Grace Church School, 86 Fourth Ave. and 11th St., Tuttle Hall
- Parks Dept presentation of proposed art exhibit for Jackson Square.
- DeSalvio Playground project: Update on fundraising to support the increased cost estimates for desired scope changes.
- Other project status updates: Including renovation of JJ Walker field and follow-on discussion regarding furniture in 6th Ave parks.
- *Status of the Water Tunnel site on Hudson St. and Clarkson St.: Including discussion of when it might be turned over by DEP to Parks, constraints on what can be put on the site, and re-visiting results of past community scoping efforts.
- Washington Square Park: Introduction to the new Administrator, Sarah Nielson, and discussion of park-related projects and issues including status of Phase 3 renovations and PEP officer staffing.Note: the topic of a WSP Conservancy will not be discussed at this meeting; rather it will be the main topic of a separate meeting in the near future.
- Changes to Parks Dept rules governing expressive matter vendors: Senior Parks Dept. representatives will attend to explain the new rules and enforcement thereof.