

The news article “Gerson’s opponents make the ballot, but he’s kept off another week” (Aug. 7-13) unclearly stated the position of Raymond Dowd, a lawyer representing Pete Gleason. Based on Dowd’s testimony at an Aug. 4 hearing, we reported that Dowd accused incumbent City Councilmember Alan Gerson’s of purposely falsifying his address on his qualifying petitions. At a subsequent hearing last Thursday, after Downtown Express went to press, Dowd was given time to more fully argue his position, which is that Gerson’s campaign knew about the address mistake on the petitions before the campaign submitted the signatures to the Board of Elections. Dowd also argued that when the board caught the mistake, Gerson’s campaign tried to blame all the problems on the petition printer when really the campaign was more responsible. Gleason is challenging Gerson in the Democratic primary Sept. 15.