Volume 19 Issue 34 | January 19 – 25, 2007
Downtown Express Listings
Battery Park Community Meeting BPCPC invites you to share your thoughts on programs and events in the parks of Battery Park City. Join us in planning next season’s programs and events. Refreshments provided. Wed., Jan. 17. Two sessions, 4-5:30pm and 6:30-8pm. Battery Park City Parks Conservancy Offices, 2 South End Avenue, 212-267-9700, www.bpcparks.org.
FREE HEARING SCREENINGS The League for the Hard of Hearing sponsors free hearing screenings every Tues. from 12-2pm and every Thurs. from 4-6pm. Call or email to schedule an appointment. League for the Hard of Hearing, 50 Broadway, 6th floor, www.lhh.org, 917-305-7766.
Ladies’ Night Out Catch up with friends and unwind from the week at neighborhood tapas and wine bar, Azafran. Fri., Feb. 16 at 7:30pm. 77 Warren St. Bet. Greenwich and W. Broadway. Organized through the Battery Park City Neighbors Association. www.bpcnpa.com.
Parents’ Network BREAKFAST Parents, expectant parents and babies 0-12 months are invited to enjoy a monthly breakfast. Share tips, seek advice and meet other new moms and dads. First Tues., Feb. 6. from 10-11:30am. Free for BPCNA members and first timers. Membership applications available at the event or at www.bpcnpa.com. Applebee’s on Vesey St. Organized through the Battery Park City Neighbors Association.
Tribeca Meet & Greet Second Wednesday of the month from 6:30-9pm at various area restaurants. Have a drink, do some networking and exchange some ideas with people from local businesses, schools, newspapers, restaurants and more. 212-220-1459, dcleaver@tribecapac.org.