
For the kids!


As concerns about global warming and the environment continue to mount, Earth Celebrations is hoping to use art to address some of these issues. In several workshops, both teens and adults will draw inspiration from the diverse marine species and habitats of the Hudson River to create costumes and giant puppets ofor the upcoming Hudson River Pageant. Costume workshops with artist Soule Golden: Weds., 6-9pm. Puppet workshops with artist Lucrecia Novoa: Sats., 12-4pm. Admission: Free. At the Church Street School for Music and Art (74 Warren St.), through May 18. The Hudson River Pageant takes place May 21.


Explore painting, collage and sculpture through self-guided arts projects. Open art stations are ongoing throughout the afternoon — giving children the opportunity to experiment with materials such as paint, clay, fabric, paper and found objects. Young minds can be great minds — and great minds, as they say, often think alike. See for yourself when you view “Art Within Reach: from the WPA to the Present” — on display now through June 5. This intergenerational exhibit connects the artistic and intellectual dots between those who grew up in NYC during the Great Depression and those who are growing up in the city today. Museum hours: Wed.-Sun., 12-5pm; Thurs., 12-6pm (Pay as You Wish, from 4-6pm). Admission: $10. At the Children’s Museum of the Arts (182 Lafayette St. btw. Broome & Grand). Call 212-274-0986 or visit cmany.org. For group tours, call 212-274-0986, ext. 31.


See a variety of original groundbreaking work at the nation’s largest festival for kids and teens — a four-week event for kids 3-18 that features 100 new films, galas and filmmaking workshops (among other activities). The festival will draw from a variety of influences, with premieres of feature films from countries as far away as New Zealand and Hong Kong. Kids will also have the opportunity to participate in special events — including a Green Screen workshop, where they can learn the secrets of special effects; and a Music & Sound in Film workshop, in which the audience will help to score a short film. Screenings will be shown in six locations (Asia Society and Museum, Cantor Film Center, DGA Theater, IFC Center, Scholastic Theater and Symphony Space) through March 27. For schedule and ticket info, visit www.gkids.com.


The Poets House “Tiny Poets Time” program offers children ages 1-3 and their parents a chance to enter the world of rhyme — through readings, group activities and interactive performances. Thursdays at 10am (at 10 River Terrace and Murray St.). Call 212-431-7920 or visit poetshouse.org.


Every Thursday at 3:30pm, the Strand Book Store hosts family hour — where staff members read their favorite books and lead kids and their caregivers in themed activities. For an extra special treat, the program often features a visiting author. April 7, children of all ages will love The Super Sprowtz — a band of vegetables with superpowers that will teach kids, parents and even teachers about the importance of eating your vegetables (through story, play music and dance). The author of the Super Sprowtz series will sign books. The Strand Book Store is located at 828 Broadway (near 12th St). Store hours: Mon.-Sat., 9:30am-10:30pm, and Sun., 11am-10:30pm. For info, call 212-473-1452 or visit strandbooks.com