
Frigid Temps Don’t Distract from Confronting Cold Reality

Photo by Bob Martin L to R: Chuck Zlatkin, Sister Kathleen Ries, Pat Logan, Roberto Rodriguez and John Dennie (not in picture, group members Bob Martin and Bruce Rosen).
Photo by Bob Martin
L to R: Chuck Zlatkin, Sister Kathleen Ries, Pat Logan, Roberto Rodriguez and John Dennie (not in picture, group members Bob Martin and Bruce Rosen).

Come rain, shine or Polar Vortex, cold, you can count on seeing Chelsea Neighbors United to End the War on the northwest corner of Eighth Avenue and 24th Street — every Tuesday, from 6-7pm. What began as a response to the Iraq War has grown to encompass Afghanistan and other wars. It will continue, they say, “until the troops come home safely.”

On January 7, as temperatures dipped to nine degrees, the vigil marked its 452 consecutive week — with the group speaking to passersby, handing out the latest issue of their  newsletter (which features a signed column each week by a Chelsea resident) and carrying the same banner that they began with in May 2005.