
Horoscopes: Mystico is eerily accurate

22horoscopemysticoAries Chelsea boys are like tea dances — the most delicious ones have migrated to Hell’s Kitchen. Head Uptown…then go West, young man!

Taurus Tame your suspicious nature, Taurus. Not every queer ally is a closeted bisexual. Graciously accept their support, and go about your own business.

Gemini Don’t let her dislike of Indigo Girls become a first date deal breaker. Romance can thrive, despite differing musical tastes — and it will!

Cancer A pride parade twink whose body belongs to the world only has eyes for you. Follow that float, and claim your rightful place on his arm.

Leo Glitter and glamour blind you to the incompatibility of a clubland cutie. Back to online dating…and this time, use your own picture!

Virgo Tarot-reading trans kids are this summer’s lemonade stand entrepreneurs. The second one you see will provide useful advice regarding travel plans.

Libra A fun July fling begins when a lipstick lesbian flutters her flirty lashes and compliments your bowling shirt. Try for a strike, but be happy picking up the spare.

Scorpio A straight male friend confesses his desire to clean house while wearing a frilly negligée. Be supportive, by suggesting a color that compliments his eyes.

Sagittarius The third person you see staring at the next full moon will be amenable to your overtures, but only after enticing conversation at an outdoor café. Patience!

Capricorn Tempers flare when a Fire Island house share roomie insists your personality parallels that of the Golden Girl you least identify with.

Aquarius Desperate to break your dry spell, a Grindr guy’s close proximity tempts you to explore that thing you swore you’d never do. Branch out, girl!

Pisces A double dare overheard while in the stalls of a unisex bathroom will be the precursor for a summer of expanded horizons. You don’t ask, you won’t get.