ELdridge Street Project, 12 Eldridge St., 212-219-0903: May 4-”Reports from Abroad,” exploring literal & literary households, 3 p.m., $4-$6.
Fashion institute of Technology, D Building, Seventh ve at 27th St., 212-217-7797: April 29- “Displaced Persons: Growing Up American After the Holocaust,: by Joseph Berger, 1-2 p.m., free.
FRAUNCES TAVERN MUSEUM, 54 Pearl St., 212-425-1778: April 29-Alan Dershowitz, professor & famed appellate lawyer, 6:30 p.m., $2-$5; May 15-”From the Water’s Edge: Mapping the City from the Battery to Canal,” by Alice Hudson, call for information.
NEW SCHOOL UNIVERSITY, 66 W. 12th St., 212-229-5901: Swayduck Auditorium, 66 Fifth Ave., 212-219-9401: May 2 & 3-”The Future of War,” aethetics, politics & technologies, call for information, free with reservation.
New York Public Library, Chatham Square Branch, 33 East Broadway, 3rd fl., 1-800-638-2868: May 6-”Women’s Health: Aging Process,” by Waiwah Chung, 3 p.m., free, call for info.
NEW YORK STUDIO SCHOOL, 8 W. Eighth St., 673-6466: April 29-Richard Ryan, on his paintings, 6:30 p.m., call for info.; April 30-”The Craft of Criticism XVIII, Irving Sandler in coversation with David Cohen, 6:30 p.m., call for info; May 1-Melvin Edwards, on his sculpture, 6:30 p.m., call for info.; May 6-Alain Kirili & Robert Morgan on sculpture & performance, 6:30 p.m., call for info.; May 7-”Gainsborough’s Paintings: a Kind of Magick,” by Magda Salvesen, 6:30 p.m., call for info.
NEW YORK UNIVERSITY Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimo, 24 W. 12th St., 212-998-8739: call for current lecture schedule.
Deutsches Haus, 42 Washington Mews, 212-998-8663: call for current lecture schedule.
Kimmel Center for University Life, 60 Washington Square South, Room 9-12, 212-998-4110: May 1-“Six Days of War,” by Michael Oren, 4 p.m., free.
SOUTH STREET SEAPORT MUSEUM, 213 Water St., 748-8735: May 7-”The House Call, by Thoam Beller, 9 p.m., $3 suggested donation; May 8-”A Hanging Offense: The Strange Affair of the Warship Somers,” 7 p.m., $3 suggested donation; call for current lecture schedule.
SYNAGOGUE FOR THE ARTS, 49 White St., 212-966-7141: call for current lecture schedule.
TOASTMASTERS CLUB, 125 Worth St., 3rd Fl., 782-4850: 2nd & 4th Tue. of every month– “Strengthen & Enhance” presentations, leadership & listening skills, other hidden speaking talents & thinking quickly on your feet, 6-7:30 p.m., please call for more info.
TUESDAY EVENING HOUR SLIDE LECTURES, 49 Fulton St., 385-3650: April 29-”Artwork: 100 Year Old Stations of the Paris Metro,” by Dorothy Arkell, 6:30 p.m., $2 donation; May 6-”New Zealand Part II, by Neil Moran, 6:30 p.m., $2 donation.