The germ of a protest?
To The Editor:
Re “It’s in the bag: Surcharge to start in February” (news article, June 23):
I carry plastic bags in my pockets for many uses, and should the stores charge too much for them, I will buy them online. I won’t carry the heavier cloth reusables that must be washed to be germ-free — plus, I don’t like to be ordered about. In places where bag bans and fees are in effect, many people are buying heavier plastic bags online. So, bans and fees really only affect the poor and are counterproductive to the bans’ and fees’ original purpose.
The real solution is to have industry develop better recyclable plastic bags. The thin plastic bags that must be doubled and that people complain about are that thin because they are partially recyclable.
Long gone are the days when the customer was always right. Now it’s the corporation and the corporate-bought government that’s always right. They spy on us, take away our liberty and seek to pass responsibility for everything on to the individual.
Studies have shown that people don’t wash the reusable cloth bags, which thus become germ-laden public health hazards. Furthermore, to refuse to use recyclable bags is not only a personal health choice, it’s a blow against Big Brother controlling us.
Rusty Wilson
Abbott is a good cop!
To The Editor:
Re “Cop pulls gun on biker, sparking panic at school” (news article, June 23):
You’ve got to be kidding me. Over the years, I’ve been quite familiar with Sergeant Gregory Abbott’s easygoing, calm and rational behavior. If he felt the need to draw his weapon — rest assured, it was warranted!
As someone who has sued the Sixth Precinct several times, and complained frequently about out-of-control officers, may I suggest to the parents of my old alma mater, that they apologize to Abbott and concentrate on the drug dealers and street vermin that are the real danger to their kids?
Jessica Berk
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