Fight has only begun
To The Editor:
Re “Li wins a third term to lead C.B. 3, beats Marlow by 31 to 15” (news article, June 26):
Thirty-one to 15 sounds like a big loss. It really wasn’t. Several months ago, a group of us, members of Community Board 3, got together because we were very concerned about the way the board was being run. We were aware that the community had lost confidence in our board, and that there were other C.B. 3 members who felt the same way we did, but who did not realize they were not alone.
In the beginning, we simply discussed strategy. At one of the meetings, I suggested that we run a candidate for board chairperson in June. I felt that by doing so, we would be able to better publicize the platform of our goals, make other board members aware that we were dissatisfied and wanted change, plus signal to the community at large that we were aware of their frustrations and dissatisfaction and wanted to do something about them. Chad Marlow was the only one of us willing to take on the challenge. He is to be applauded for that, and much appreciated.
So, for our preliminary goals, we certainly won. One of the C.B. 3 members of what I would like to call The Courageous 15 told me that those who vote for change will do so because they really care about the community and making the board better. Those who don’t, will vote because they really have their own personal agendas. In the end, that was true in many cases, but not all.
Some of the board members who did not vote for change were members of the ruling hierarchy, and of course wanted to keep the status quo. Some voted because, like it or not, pressure was being put on them by certain elected officials. That is my belief, but has been stated, as well, by those making online comments. Some, I guess, really believed that change was not necessary, for whatever reasons remain to be seen. Also, unfortunately, some who agreed with us thought they could make deals. We have yet to see how that plays out.
In their speeches to C.B. 3 on the election night, it was obvious who was the more thoughtful and certainly more experienced of the candidates. Even though he had a question thrown at him that was preceded by a blatant, lying accusation against him, Chad Marlow showed that he would be a fair and impartial chairperson, and that changes would be made for the better.
The incumbent made some remark about building “ladders of leadership,” as if we were at an Amway sales meeting and not at a community board meeting. I wanted to stick my finger down my throat. Isn’t she aware of the fact that all of us on community boards were appointed because we already are community leaders, and many of us have had far more experience than she? Give me a break.
Yes, we lost this election, but we won our first round. This is the first time in as long as I can remember that even a single vote — let alone 15 — was cast against an incumbent chairperson. It was very heartening to see the response of community members who wrote comments and letters, most of whom agreed with our assessments, wanted change and stood behind us.
Trust me, we have just begun to fight. We will continue to do everything in our power to make this board a fairer, more responsive board, to all of the board members and all of the community, and not just a chosen few.
Anne K. Johnson
Support St. Mark’s Bookshop
To The Editor:
Re “The East Village is replaced by its own simulacrum” (talking point, by Bill Weinberg, July 10):
In the spirit of supporting small East Village businesses that once gave the neighborhood its identity, please keep in mind the old St. Mark’s Bookshop has moved to Third St., between First Ave. and Avenue A.
I know a lot of people have issues with the old store, but it still was around from back in the day. So, please keep it in mind when you need to buy a book or periodical. You’ll be doing your part in preserving what the East Village once was.
Arthur Nersesian
Still hanging in there
To The Editor:
Re “The East Village is replaced by its own simulacrum” (talking point, by Bill Weinberg, July 10):
I have lived on E. Fourth St. for almost 40 years, saved from gentrification by the Cooper Square Committee’s lower-income redevelopment project; I have survived as an artist due to their work, especially that of Fran Golden.
I am trying to survive the bad feeling of gentrification and N.Y.U. changing the neighborhood. The world is in a different place now. I’m not sure it interests me here anymore. But I am trying to survive the loss of so many businesses.
Most of what you are talking about are male-owned businesses, at which, as a woman and a lesbian, I was always an outsider — except for the WOW Cafe, still there on E. Fourth St., and LaMaMa, also still on the block due to Ellen Stewart. Just sayin’.
Peggy Shaw
Maggots bugging him
To The Editor:
Re “The East Village is replaced by its own simulacrum” (talking point, by Bill Weinberg, July 10) and “Pie Man’s Plaint” (Scoopy’s Notebook, July 10):
I feel like a displaced person since the real estate maggots seized No. 9 Bleecker St. These interests led by N.Y.U. and the banks have killed a living organism — the East Village. Those pigs want to make it into something plastic and appalling, causing the demise of our community. Therefore, we still need to fight back.
I will not set foot in the building until the restraining order against Dana is lifted. To do so would be a form of collaboration with the real estate maggots.
Aron Kay, a.k.a. “The Yippie Pie Man”
Zombie Times boxes
To The Editor:
Re “Pink boxes proliferate throughout Lower East Side” (news article, July 10):
About 15 years ago, The New York Times started dropping illegal storage boxes in front of stores that sold its newspapers. These were basically locked metal boxes, with the New York Times logo, used solely for storing newspapers until the stores opened or needed them. They were not protected under city regulations because they were not used for distribution — only storage.
The Department of Sanitation confirmed the boxes were illegal, sent a letter to the Times (which I saw) and then proceeded to do nothing. The Times didn’t remove them.
Many of them are still around, most painted over, although the Times abandoned using them long ago. So, I’ll be interested in how long after “notification” these bins disappear.
Lora Tenenbaum
Soccer is here to stay
To The Editor:
Re “It’s not over for U.S. soccer” (sports article, July 10):
Spain, England and Italy all went home before we did.
It was a triumph.
Soccer has been here, it is here. It will continue to grow exponentially. It’s time for the “Is it finally here?” or “Is this the turning point?” conversations to end already.
P.S.: The great tragedy of American soccer is that Pier 40 will not end up being what could have been home to a small, successful, influential, Greenwich Village neighborhood, pier-saving, park-dollars-contributing Major League Soccer franchise.
Patrick Shields
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