Kinda nice being off the grid
To The Editor:
Re “Notes from the disaster zone; A survivor sounds off” (talking point, Nov. 9):
I read Bill Whineberg’s (sic) rant about the effects of Sandy.
I not for one moment lamented the loss of power, of water, of heat and all the other inconveniences and of rotting food in my fridge, not washing, dirty dishes, as I was listening to the transistor radio from Monday evening to Friday evening, avoiding going out, or moving to another place. I heard of the devastation of so many others, loss of life, of homes and so much else. What did I miss? Some stupid TV shows, no access to the Internet, no newspapers.
Weinberg moans and groans seeking to make a case against “authority,” which is deserved, and yet irrelevant in this time. He, as his kind, merely foments and offers no solutions. He, I realize, has a political agenda as he whines as he has previously done in your pages.
Over all, your newspaper’s coverage was extensive and most appreciated.
I wish the East Villager would be published weekly. I miss it that week it is not out there.
Bert Zackim
Costly, labor intensive, needed
To The Editor:
Re “Quinn floats raft of ideas for fighting future floods” (news article, Nov. 15):
The solution to many of the biggest problems facing America in general, and New York City in particular, is the re-creation and greening of our infrastructure so that it is brought into the 21st century. Power lines need to be underground. Permanent residences need to be moved out of flood plains. The ideas about surge barriers, etc., while amazingly expensive, have to be faced if the city is to survive.
If the federal and state governments were to make a massive public works effort similar to what took place during the Depression or in preparation for World War II, it would put everyone to work, completely revive the economy and re-create this country. The politicians who allowed our bridges to rot and who timidly fail to address things like electric power lines coming down every time there is a storm, need to start thinking about something more long term than getting corporations to contribute to their next election campaign.
These are the issues government alone can address and are the only reason governments are necessary. If the government spent all the hundreds of billions it would need to accomplish these tasks right here in the U.S., we could once again legitimately lead the world. Manufacturing would be revived, everyone would gain skills and our future would be secured. There is no way to avoid this inevitability.
Robert Lederman
Better head for the hills
To The Editor:
Re “Quinn floats raft of ideas for fighting future floods” (news article, Nov. 15):
Who would pay for all of these suggested projects? I agree with implementing worthwhile and practical public service projects. However, surge gates for New York City seem impractical in a world that is slowly naturally warming, with sea levels inexorably rising.
Although, I can recall the immediate infusion by Congress of $50 billion into New Orleans after Katrina — an amazing amount of money that promptly disappeared into the political morass of New Orleans politics with no visible impact on hurricane relief.
David W. Behrens
Get yer hot pickle soup!
To The Editor:
Re “The decline of the pierogi palace: Viva chilaquiles!” (notebook, Oct. 11):
While my taste buds are not mourning, as are Bill Weinberg’s, the loss of hot pickle soup in the East Village, they know full well the grievous loss of a favorite ethnic food (Orchidia Pizza, Mingala Ba Burmese).
Given that, I would like to inform Mr. Weinberg that on Mondays, Neptune has hot potato pickle soup on their menu. While it’s not exactly the same, perhaps he could ask them to make it for him without the potato.
Lisa Ramaci
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