Hey, Harry — try headphones!
To The Editor:
Re “O.M.G.! Now on the menu at God’s Love: Roof Parties” (news article, Oct. 22):
Like Harry Pincus, I moved to the South Village in the mid-1970s and live near the new God’s Love We Deliver building at Sullivan St. and Sixth Ave. And like Mr. Pincus, I have a nostalgic fondness for the neighborhood of that era and view every new construction project with apprehension.
However, unlike Mr. Pincus, I appreciate the ever-changing face of this city, even at times when change is not in my own narrow self-interest. If reflections bouncing off G.L.W.D. bring bright sunlight through his window, I suggest he get some shutters or a shade that will filter the light. It’s New York and you have to learn how to cope with change. If G.L.W.D. hosts an occasional rooftop party with music, put on headphones or go out for a walk. New York is about living in close proximity to your neighbors — and, sometimes, to their loud music or noisy parties.
Another part of New York is being a member of a community. If ever there was an organization that is part of its community, it’s G.L.WD., which began in the mid-1980s as H.I.V./AIDS was taking many of our friends and loved ones. Today it delivers more than 5,000 nutritious meals a day to people who, because of their illness, cannot provide or prepare meals for themselves.
I am very proud to have G.L.W.D. as my neighbor. If I hear occasional loud music from a fundraiser or other event on their roof, I will just put on my headphones and think of how many more people God’s Love will be able to help with the funds they raise that night.
Bill Abrams
The Left Arm of God
To The Editor:
Re “Me and Sandy Koufax…and Mom’s squeeze play” (notebook, by Harry Pincus, Oct. 22):
Wonderful story! I, too, shook hands with Mr. Koufax this holiday season and wished him Shana Tova. He is a board member of one the most wonderful places on earth, The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp in Connecticut. It is a camp for children with cancer and other life-threatening illnesses. Mr. Koufax is an active participant with the camp and most gracious, humble and giving of his time.
While visiting camp in September I ran into Mr. Koufax. I wished him the holiday greeting, we shook hands, he leaned in to me and quietly said, “Happy New Year.”
I know how I felt after that brief exchange, so can imagine what it meant to you. Thanks for sharing your story.
Jeff Zeitlin
E-mail letters, not longer than 250 words in length, to news@thevillager.com or fax to 212-229-2790 or mail to The Villager, Letters to the Editor, 1 Metrotech North, 10th floor, Brooklyn, NY, NY 11201. Please include phone number for confirmation purposes. The Villager reserves the right to edit letters for space, grammar, clarity and libel. Anonymous letters will not be published.