


© Estate of Keith Haring

Works by Carlos Alfonzo, Luis Frangella, Keith Haring, and David Wojnarowicz, whose early solo shows with Hal Bromm Gallery launched successful careers tragically cut short by AIDS. Through March 28. HAL BROMM GALLERY, 90 W. Broadway (at Chambers St.) 212-732-6196, email hbartanddesign@gmail.com. Above: Keith Haring: Painting Himself Into a Corner at SVA, circa 1978-1980


The Battery Park City Parks Conservancy is sponsoring a number of classes for adults. In Swim lessons (Beginner and Intermediate levels I and II), participants learn and refine various strokes and breathing techniques. Other classes include Baby and Me Swims for parents and children ages 1-3, tai chi, and yoga. Prices vary, discounted for members. COMMUNITY CENTER at Stuyvesant High School, 345 Chambers St (access: West St.) 212 267 9700, bpcparks.org.

Downtown Boathouse Winter Pool Program Introductory classes (i.e. paddling and maneuvering) teach the basics of kayaking during the off-season. All participants must register with Riverbank State Park. Go to the Park office and get an identification card (cost $9), which is needed for any class in the park. Class fee is $3. Each section runs on either a Sat. or Sun., for 4 weeks, from 4-5:30 p.m. Through March 23. 646-613-0740, downtownboathouse.org.


Dance Conversations This monthly series features 10-15 minute works in progress by four emerging choreographers, followed by a discussion between the artists and the audience. March 4 at 7 p.m. Free. FLEA THEATER, 41 White St., 212-229-0051 ext. 101, theflea.org.

Rasa Dance, “Cycle” A rumination on fashion and advertisement. The piece centers around a woman’s life, depicted through “dress codes” she adopts during each stage of her existence. Conceived by Sabine Heubusch. Feb. 29 at 3, 4:30 & 6 p.m. All shows 30 minutes. Free and open to the public. CHURCH ST. SCHOOL FOR MUSIC & ART, 72 Warren St. (bet. W. Bway & Greenwich).

Raw Material Diverse in content, style and medium, this is a juried performance series that encourages artists to bring new work to a live audience, and to experiment with new ways of crafting their work.March 6-8 at 8 p.m. March 9 at 3 p.m. $20, $17, $15. DANCE NEW AMSTERDAM, 280 Broadway. 212-625-8369, dnadance.org.

DOMINIC WALSH DANCE THEATER Houston-based contemporary ballet co. presents Jiri Kylian’s solo “Double You” along with the NYC premieres of Mauro Bigonzetti’s “Pression,” Walsh’s interpretation of Fokine’s “Le Spectre de la Rose” and “I Napoletani” set to Neapolitan folk music. Through March 1. $20 general, $15 students/seniors. JOYCE SOHO, 155 Mercer St. (at Houston). 212-334-7479. joyce.org.


Black History Month Jazz and Poetry A jazz concert and poetry reading. Feb. 29, 6-9pm. Free. African Burial Ground National Monument, 290 Broadway. 212-637-2019, nps.gov/afbg.

Free Hearing Screenings at the League for the Hard of Hearing Every Tues. from 12-2pm and every Thurs. from 4-6pm. Call or email to schedule an appointment. League for the Hard of Hearing, 50 Broadway, 6th Fl. 917-305-7766, appointments@llh.org.

Port at the Port Enjoy hors d’ oeuvres, live music, and a free souvenir wineglass while sampling wines. Der Scutt, architect and collector of ship models and ocean liner memorabilia, leads a tour of the Museum’s new exhibit, Ocean Liner Cutaways. March 7, 7-9 p.m. $85. South Street Seaport Museum, 12 Fulton St. 212-748-8786, southstseaportmuseum.org.

Sundays in the City Independent feature films, short films, fan films, animated shorts, and documentaries. Highlights include “The Amazing Adventures of Little Batman,” the doc short “Lisa Loeb Songwriting,” the comedy “Staten Island,” the feature fan called “The Return of the Ghostbusters,” the feature “Three Long Years.” The complete schedule is on the website. March 2, 9, & 16. Tickets are $10. Tribeca Cinemas, 54 Varick St. sundaysinthecity.com

Tribeca Film Festival Volunteers is looking for volunteers to work in a variety of jobs before and during the festival. Meet interesting people, celebrate good cinema, and become involved in an event that is a vital part of the cultural life of Downtown. The festival runs April 23-May 4. tribecafilmfestival.org.


30th Anniversary Exhibition Featuring work by Carlos Alfonzo, Luis Frangella, Keith Haring, and David Wojnarowicz, whose early solo shows with Hal Bromm Gallery launched successful careers tragically cut short by AIDS. 30 brings to light important works they created, as well as the strong creative and social bonds between them. Through March 28. HAL BROMM GALLERY, 90 W. Broadway (at Chambers St.) 212-732-6196, email hbartanddesign@gmail.com.

Annual art exhibition Children, teens and adults display their artwork inspired by Battery Park City. Through March 28. BATTERY PARK CITY PARKS CONSERVANCY, 2 South End Ave. 212-267-9700, bpcparks.org.

Beauty Surrounds Us Featuring an elaborate Quechua girl’s dance outfit, a Northwest Coast chief’s staff with carved animal figures and crests, Seminole turtle shell dance leggings, a conch shell trumpet from pre-Columbian Mexico, and an Inupiak (Eskimo) ivory cribbage board. 2 interactive media stations show visitors in-depth descriptions of each object. Through Fall 2008.

Listening to Our Ancestors: The Art of Native Life Along the North Pacific Coast 400 artifacts from 11 Native American communities. Ongoing. Free. NATIONAL MUSEUM OF THE AMERICAN INDIAN, George Gustav Heye Center, 1 Bowling Green, 212-514-3700, AmericanIndian.si.edu.

Bodies: The Exhibition Preserved human bodies along with hundreds of body parts and internal organs. Ongoing. $27.50 general, $23.50 seniors, $21.50 ages 12 and under. EXHIBITION CENTER at the South Street Seaport, 11 Fulton St. 888-9BODIES, bodiestheexhbition.com.

Lynda Caspe A career retrospective of paintings, drawings, sculpture and sculptural reliefs. March 3-28. Gallery of the Office of the Manhattan Borough President. MUNICIPAL BLDG, 1 Centre St. South Tower, 19th Fl. Photo ID req.

Daring to Resist: Jewish Defiance in the Holocaust This large-scale exhibition, presented in association with Ghetto Fighters’ House, Israel, brings to light the stories of men, women, and children who defied the Nazis. Through July.

Paul goldman, “to return to the land” From Tel Aviv streetscapes to the bombing of the King David Hotel, from street vendors to Prime Ministers, these photos of the birth of Israel capture life before statehood and during the War of Independence.

Sosúa Jewish refugees who made their home in the Dominican Republic in the late 1930s, and their Dominican neighbors, are the subject of this new, bilingual exhibition. $10 adults, $7 seniors, $5 students. Members and children 12 and younger free. Admission is free on Wed. from 4-8 p.m. MUSEUM OF JEWISH HERITAGE– A Living Memorial to the Holocaust, 36 Battery Pl. 646-437-4202, mjhnyc.org.

Fighting Irishmen: Celebrating Celtic Prizefighters When the Irish immigrated to New York, landing at the South Street piers, they brought this pugilistic tradition with them This exhibit traces the history of these fighting Irish, from the 19th century to the present.

Model Ships From religious artifacts to treasured collectibles to engineering prototypes, this exhibit traces the history of model watercraft from ancient times to the present.

There Once Was a Neighborhood: The Lower East Side, 1937-1950 Photographs taken by Rebecca Lepkoff capture a vibrant and close-knit multi-ethnic community. These images uncover a forgotten time and place revealing how the LES has both stayed the same and changed forever.

Soundings Treasures from the museum’s permanent collection, including scrimshaw, ship portraits and models, signal flags and more. All exhibitions are ongoing. $8 general admission, $6 seniors/students, $4 children 5-12, under 5s are free. SOUTH STREET SEAPORT MUSEUM, 12 Fulton St (bet Front & South Sts). 212-748-8786, southstseaport.org.

Heroes This exhibit looks at the many people from diverse backgrounds who joined together to win America’s independence. Paintings on exhibit include Henry Hintermeister The Drill Master, John Ward Dunsmore’s The Message from Lexington, and Dennis Mallone Carter’s Molly Pitcher at the Battle of Monmouth. Ongoing. Adeline Moses Loeb Gallery.

If These Walls Could Talk As Manhattan’s oldest surviving building, 54 Pearl Street has witnessed nearly 3 centuries of the city’s history. Ongoing. $4, $3 seniors and children under 18, and free to children under 6. FRAUNCES TAVERN MUSEUM, 54 Pearl St. 212-425-1776, frauncestavernmuseum.com.

Inside the Fence This exhibit serves as a tribute to the dedicated people in transportation, sanitation, and construction trades who played a major role in supporting the recovery at the WTC site, and provides a glimpse into current projects in development in construction, sanitation and transit based upon increased awareness and innovative technologies developed after the attacks. Through June 9. THE TRIBUTE WTC VISITOR CENTER, 120 Liberty St. tributewtc.org.

“I Suppose I Shall Be Impeached for It…” Theodore Roosevelt, Augustus Saint-Gaudens and America’s Most Beautiful Coin. Examples of early cameos are displayed along with classical numismatic prototypes, and the centerpiece of the exhibit is the progression of the design process for new coinage. Through March. FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF NY, 33 Liberty St. (btn Nassau & William). numismatics.org.

Richard Kostelanetz, “WORD PRINTS” Exhibited along with his NUMBERS ONE (and perhaps some other words) high above the bookshelves at the new Mulberry Street branch of The NY Public Library. March 5-April. Opening on March 5, 5-8 p.m. Main reading room. 10 Jersey St. (bet Mott & Mulberry). Richardkostelanetz.com.

Fawn Krieger, “Company” A large-scale installation depicting a store with a real cashier and wares. Through April 26. ART IN GENERAL, 79 Walker St. 212-219-0473, artingeneral.org.

Monarchs of the Sea In celebration of the ocean liner era, this permanent exhibition features plans, models and memorabilia evoking the majesty and magic of a time when ocean liners were considered the last word in luxury travel. $8 general admission, $6 seniors/students, $4 children 5-12, under 5s are free. South Street Seaport Museum, WALTER LORD GALLERY (213 Water St). 212-748-8786, southstseaport.org.

Shalom Neuman, “Toxic Paradise/America” Large sculptural paintings depicting mankind’s cruelty to the planet as well as modeling paste, acrylic paint and found objects surrounded by little plastic figures. Through April 10. FUSIONARTS MUSEUM, 57 Stanton St. 212-995-5290, artnet.com/fusionartsmuseum.html

New York Modern This futuristic exhibition analyzes the predictions of the early 20th century in the work of leading architects and planners such as Hugh Ferriss, Raymond Hood, Harvey Wiley Corbett, and the Regional Plan Association, as well as science fiction imagery and futuristic films. Through April. $5 general, $2.50 seniors/students. SKYSCRAPER MUSEUM, 39 Battery Pl (bet Little West St & 1st Pl). 212-968-1961, skyscraper.org

Rachel Dalnekoff-Ilan, “Off the beaten Path” In the artist’s first NY show, dense forests and tangled vegetation as the settings for ambiguous human dramas in strong, vividly colored oil paintings. Through March 30. SYNAGOGUE FOR THE ARTS GALLERY SPACE, 49 White St (bet Broadway & Church). 212-966-7141, email info@synagogueforthearts.org.

Policing a Changed City chronicles how the NYPD has used new technology, community outreach, and intelligence gathering to fight crime and terrorism since 9-11. Ongoing. $5 suggested donation, $3 seniors, $2 children 6-12. NYC POLICE MUSEUM, 100 Old Slip (btn South & Water Sts). 212-480-3100, nycpolicemuseum.org.

Random Utterness A group show of NY-based artists of Hungarian origin, including the X-ray-based works of Agnes Denes, the projected paintings of George Peck, and the gestural drawings of Tamas Veszi. Through March 8. HUNGARIAN CULTURAL CENTER, 447 Broadway, 5th Fl. 212-750-4450, culturehungary.org.

Re:Construction bridges the efforts of multiple public partners and the creative community to both highlight and enliven the process of rebuilding while improving the quality of life in Lower Manhattan through the creation of places of attraction, curiosity and anticipation. The 3 pilot projects are “Best Pedestrian Route” (John St, east of Bway); “Fulton Fence” (Fulton St east of Bway); and “Concrete Jungle” (Bway, bet. John & Ann Sts). reconstructionnyc.org.

Renascence internationally juried exhibition of new media works showcases installations, net art, video and interactive sculpture that combine visual art and technology in innovative ways, featuring artists who have disabilities ranging from polio, deafness and mental illnesses. Through March 16. WORLD FINANCIAL CENTER WINTER GARDEN, 220 Vesey St. 212-945-0505, worldfinancialcenter.com.

Ann Marie Rousseau, “Interior Light” An exhibition of lith process silver gelatin prints by the photojournalist and author of “Shopping Bag Ladies: Homeless Women Speak About Their Lives.” amrousseau.com. Through March 1. SOHO PHOTO, 15 White St (bet 6th Ave & W. Bway). 212-226-8571, sohophoto.com.

Thinking in Loop 3 Videos on Iconoclasm, Ritual and Immortality feature footage that spreads both knowledge and propaganda. Through March 29. APEXART, 291 Church St. 212-431-5270, apexart.org.

Auguste Rhonda Tymeson, “Spread my soul” Large paintings on hand-cut Okawara paper. Through March 29. CHERYL PELAVIN FINE ARTS, 13 Jay St. 212-925-9424, cherylpelavin.com.

Wired This exhibit explores how contemporary artists use wire in different ways to define space, create form and use line in three-dimensions. David Finn, Joyce Goodman, Naomi Grossman, Nancy Koenigsberg, Judy Moonelis, Alex Pimienta, Eric Rhein and Elise Siegel. Through March 3. EDUCATIONAL ALLIANCE GALLERY, 197 E. Broadway (bet. Jefferson & Clinton). 212.780.2300, ext.378


Adam Rudolph’s Moving Pictures Octet Grounded in improv, the group combines music forms, languages, and instrumentation of Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Africa. Feb. 29 at 8:30 p.m. Each concert $15, $10 students/seniors. ROULETTE, 20 Greene St (bet. Canal & Grand). 212-219-8242, roulette.org.

Concerts at One The Hudson Trio, featuring Vladmir Valjarevic on piano, Caroline Chin on violin, and Miho Zaitsu on violincello, performs works by Ravel and Chausson. March 3, 1-2pm. Orlay Alonso piano concert includes works by Bach, Liszt, Ravel, and Albeniz. March 6, 1-2pm. Both concerts suggested $2. TRINITY CHURCH St. Paul’s Chapel (Broadway & Fulton Sts.) 212-602-0800, trinitywallstreet.org.

New York Packet in Concert An afternoon of sea chanteys and folk music from the maritime tradition. Special guest: The Susan McKeown Group. From Dublin, Susan is an outstanding Irish singer. With fiddle and guitar accompaniment. March 2, 3-5 p.m. $5, $3. SOUTH STREET SEAPORT MUSEUM, Melville Gallery, 213 Water St. 212-748-8786, southstseaportmuseum.org.


Benedict Arnold & Aaron Burr: Friends from the American Revolution This presentation focuses on the men’s roles in the disastrous American campaign to capture Quebec in 1775 and Burr’s overlooked distinguished military career. Based on research for the newly published “Benedict Arnold’s Army and the American Invasion of Canada, 1775.” March 6 at 6:30 p.m. Fraunces Tavern Museum, Pearl St. 212-425-1778, frauncestavernmuseum.org.

Peter Simon, “Reggae Scrapbook” Reading and signing. Feb. 29. 7 p.m. BARNES & NOBLE, 97 Warren St. 212-587-5389, bn.com.

NYU “In Print” series Harvard professor Samantha Power discusses her new book, “Chasing the Flame: Sergio Vieira de Mello and the Fight to Save the World,” which offers an answer to the question of who possesses the moral authority and political power to protect human life and bring peace to the world. Sponsored by NYU’s Center for Global Affairs. March 10, 6:30-7:45 p.m. Free and open to the public. WOOLWORTH BUILDING, 15 Barclay St. 4th Fl. (bet. Bway & Canal). 212-992-8390, scps.global.affairs@nyu.edu.

NY MODERN LECTURE SERIES To expand the themes of the current exhibition NY Modern, museum director Carol Willis presents lectures examining the development of a new aesthetic in skyscraper design and ideas of urban planning. Remaining talks are March 4, Raymond Hood: The “Brilliant Bad Boy” of NY architecture; March 11, Rockefeller Center: The Future in Amber. $10 each; $5 members. SKYSCRAPER MUSEUM, 39 Battery Pl (bet Little West St & 1st Pl). 212-968-1961, skyscraper.org

Tuesdays at 9 This weekly forum, led by Naked Angels Theater Company’s creative directors, attracts over 100 people who gather to listen and participate in cold readings of scenes, short plays and fiction. Free. TRIBECA CINEMAS, 54 Varick St. (at Laight St.). nakedangels.com.

Springtime in the Smokies Photographer and teacher Louise Luger presents a slideshow. Tuesday Evening Hour nonprofit slideshow program. March 4 at 6:30pm. $2. 49 Fulton St. 212-964-3936, tuesdayeveninghour.com.

Warsaw: A Musical Drama Based on the 1943 Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, this fictionalized show featuring Broadway actors follows a young Jewish man who makes difficult choices to save himself and his loved ones. Book and lyrics by John Atkins, music by William Wade. A conversation with the artists about this work in progress follows the performance. March 2 at 2:30 p.m. $10 adults, $5 students/seniors, members free. MUSEUM OF JEWISH HERITAGE– A Living Memorial to the Holocaust, 36 Battery Pl. 646-437-4202, mjhnyc.org.


Blue Coyote’s Happy Endings 10 playwrights have created 10 new short plays about the lives of sex workers, and the results are raunchy, humorous and emotional Scribes include David Johnston, Blair Fell, Boo Killebrew, David Foley, John Yearley, Brian Fuqua, and others. Through March 1. Tues at 9 p.m., Wed-Sat at 8 p.m. $18. ACCESS THEATER, 380 Broadway (at White St). 212-868-4444, smarttix.com.

THE DOWNTOWN 3 3LD Art & Technology Center, Dance New Amsterdam & HERE Arts Center have formed an alliance to promote Downtown theater. By purchasing The Downtown 3 Punchcard, members receive discounted admission to all 3 venues, offering an affordable way to view performances in Lower Manhattan’s alternative arts scene. At $33, the card offers 3 tickets. 212-352-3101, downtown3.org.

Des Moines Staged readings of the new play by author Denis Johnson, winner of the 2007 National Book Award for “Tree of Smoke.” In a seedy apartment in Des Moines, an unlikely assortment of people gather for a party that sparks them to confront life, death, and sex. Directed by Will Patton. Cast includes LaTonya Borsay, Emily McDonnell, Deirdre O’Connell, and Patton. Through March 1 at 9 p.m. Free but reservations req.

Lower Ninth A new play inspired by the effects of Hurricane Katrina about 2 men stranded on a roof. As Malcolm and E-Z struggle to survive, they must battle heat, hunger, and their pasts. Written by Beau Willimon, directed by Daniel Goldstein, and featuring Gaius Charles, James McDaniel, and Gbenga Akkinagbe. Through April 5. $40-$45. FLEA THEATER, 41 White St. (bet. Bway & Church). 212-219-2020, flea.org.

Rus(h) An intimate multimedia psychosexual mystery. Lost in a labyrinth of repeating memories and trapped in a failing marriage, Rus yearns to feel something new. After a car accident connects him to Sonny, a gay hustler, he descends into a world of sex, drugs and violence. Text and video design by James Scruggs. Through March 22. 3LD ARTS & TECHNOLOGY CENTER, 80 Greenwich St. 212-352-3101, here.org.


Public Art Walking Tours LMCC offers a series of 3 self-guided audio tours exploring public art Downtown. Entitled “Art and Security,” “Art and the Body,” and “Monuments and Memory,” the 45-minute tours are narrated by Perry Garvin and William Smith. Download the free tours to your iPod or other MP3 player and start walking. lmcc.net.

Tribute WTC 9/11 Walking tours of Ground Zero. Daily. VISITORS CENTER, 120 Liberty St. For hours and info, visit tributewtc.org.

Wall Street Walking Tour Free 90-minute guided walking tour weaving together the history, events, architecture and people of Downtown. Thurs. and Sat. at noon. Meet at the steps of the National Museum of the American Indian. One Bowling Green, Alliance for Downtown NY, 212-606-4064, downtownny.com

Listings Requests for the Downtown Express may be mailed to Sarah Norris at 145 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10013-1548 or e-mailed to listings@downtownexpress.com. Please include listings in the subject line of the e-mail and provide the date, time, location, price and a description of the event. Information must be received two weeks before the event is to be published. Questions, call 646-452-2472.