Community Board 2
Full board meeting, Thurs., April 17, 6 p.m., St. Vincent’s Hospital, 170 W. 12th St., Cronin Auditorium.
Joint Hearing of the Tenants Rights Task Force, Chinatown Committee and Social Services and Education Committee, Tues., April 22, 6 p.m., Public School 130, 143 Baxter St.
Community Board 3
Subcommittee to the 197 Plan Task Force (6:30 p.m.) and 197 Plan Task Force (7 p.m.), Wed., April 16, Intermediate School 131, 100 Hester St. (between Eldridge and Forsyth Sts.): Subcommittee to Task Force: Presentation by board’s planning fellow on Bowery rezoning. Task Force: 1. Presentation and committee discussion on proposed response to E.I.S. (environmental impact statement) regarding 197c plan; 2. Public speakers session; 3. Discussion about possible 197c for parts of Chinatown in C.B. 3.
Con Ed Settlement Fund Subcommittee and Environmental Subcommittee, Mon., April 21, 7 p.m., Casa Victoria, 308 E. Eighth St. (between Avenues B and C): Settlement Fund Subcommittee: 1. Small Business Sustainability Program, L.E.S. Ecology Center Proposal; 2. Asthma Free School Zone Update. Environmental Subcommittee: Greening C.B. 3: Environmental needs and opportunities, participatory town hall planning meeting for late May.
Full board meeting, Tues., April 22, 6:30 p.m., I.S. 131, at 100 Hester St. (between Eldridge & Forsyth Sts).