Outspent, but won: Asked about her candidate, Keen Berger’s, recent victory in the Village female Democratic district leader race over Cynthia Smith, Assemblymember Deborah Glick commented: “I think it was a case of where excellent candidates who work hard and connect with the public can still win despite being outspent… Their mailings were clearly far more expensive. Theirs were color; ours were black and white. And we only sent out like three.” Smith’s side did a late mailing blitz, Glick noted. Berger was backed by Glick’s club, Village Independent Democrats, while Smith was backed by Lower Manhattan Alliance for Progressive Political Action and Gay and Lesbian Independent Democrats.
Annie (don’t) get your bulldozer: Andrew Berman, executive director of the Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation, echoed our thoughts exactly in an e-mail on Scoopy’s item last week on the frightening state of the building Annie Leibovitz’s workers damaged at 11th and Greenwich Sts. Berman said he wonders if the real intent was to knock the historic townhouse down and then rebuild. “Taking down the building may be what they were hoping for all along, and that sets a terrible precedent,” Berman said. “We firmly believe they should be made to do everything possible to keep the building up.”
From clones to cats and canines: A new full-service veterinarian, the Greenwich Village Animal Hospital, opened last Wednesday in the former Uplift Lighting store space on Hudson St. north of Christopher St. The owners are husband and wife, Bruce Martin and Dr. Mary Xanthos. Martin, a 30-year Village resident, is general manager, and Xanthos, who got her training at top veterinary school Cornell and has been practicing six years, is the vet. “We intend to be the local vets. We live in the neighborhood,” said Martin, who formerly worked in TV news, last Monday, as Xanthos was preparing to remove some growths from a Labrador. Uplift Lighting was run by Randy Wicker, the legendary gay rights activist turned cloning advocate and Raelians friend. However, Martin assured they won’t be doing any pet cloning.
Take me to the river: The next meeting of the Hudson River Park’s board of directors is scheduled for Sept. 25, 4 p.m., at the Department of City Planning, 22 Reade St., Spector Hall.
Garden of Eatin’: Barocco Hots has opened a new “lush and intimate” garden dining space at its location at 94 Greenwich Ave. Barocco’s chefs have developed a new garden menu of savory Tuscan-influenced appetizers, sandwiches and entrees.
Encore! Victoria Chusid Marks, 13, of Greenwich Village attended Stagedoor Manor this year, the Catskills theater camp that inspired the fictional Camp Ovation in the current movie “Camp.” Marks appeared in “Les Belles Soeurs.”
The Speed experience: “Fear is Joy Paralyzed:” A Walking Tour of Greenwich Village With Timothy “Speed” Levitch, will be held Sun., Sep. 21, at 1 p.m. Levitch, who gained notoriety as a New York City tour bus guide, “mixes performance art and truth-seeking” with his tours. The cost is $5 for members of the Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation, $10 for nonmembers. Call 212-475-9585 x 39 or e-mail lfitzpatrick@gvshp.org to R.S.V.P.
Party for Pats: There will be a party on Washington and Leroy Sts. for the honorary renaming of Leroy St. “Pat La Frieda Lane” on Wed., Sept. 24, at noon. Free refreshments, including sausage and peppers and chicken on pita bread, sodas and water, will be served. The honorary street sign has been approved by the City Council, said Lisa La Frieda of Pat La Frieda Meats, who is throwing the shindig in honor of her father and grandfather, who shared the same name and ran the family business, there since 1912. Councilmember Chris Quinn is expected.
Oops: In an article last week on the Rita Project, the relation between Ernest and Mariel Hemingway was incorrectly stated. He was her grandfather. Also, a spokesperson for the Rita Project added that Mariel objects to her sister Margaux’s death being termed a suicide, rather than just a drug overdose. “Mariel is very adamant about this,” the spokesperson said.