
Taiwan garden


Nanguan performers don traditional headdress rehearsing for the world premiere of “Liu Chuan” on Oct. 7 at 12:30 p.m. The music, poetry and dance performance created as part of the TAIWANtoday festival in the Winter Garden will also be performed on Oct. 11, the final day of the six-day festival. Other activities include bamboo crafting workshops by master artisans and traditional tea ceremonies. A Taiwanese garden containing thousands of orchids, several bamboo trees, chrysanthemums, and cannas flowers is on display on the steps of the pavilion. Designers of the garden said the display has been modeled after a watercolor painting and was designed to illustrate a gentleman’s ideal characteristics — sincerity, humility, dignity and strength. A full schedule of events can be found at: https://worldfinancialcenter.com/calendar/

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