
Most popular take-out food in NYC, by borough

Each of the Big Apple’s boroughs now has its own set of bragging rights when it comes to take-out food.

GrubHub and Seamless shared with amNewYork the most common food orders that are specific to the boroughs.

For example, empanadas are more commonly ordered in Manhattan than in the rest of the city by more than 110%. In Queens, egg sandwiches are 240% more commonly ordered from restaurants.

“A lot of it may be to do with the restaurants that are available,” said Abby Hunt, a spokeswoman for GrubHub and Seamless. “Each neighborhood is its own culture.”

In Brooklyn, smoothies lead the pack of menu items since they are ordered 140% more often there than the rest of the city, while in the Bronx, tostadas are nearly 630% more commonly ordered than in the rest of the Big Apple.

The site’s users order rice balls in Staten Island at 22 times the pace of other places in New York.

Stephanie Arnold, editor of the food blog NYCtastes, said social media and the increased use of delivery sites have helped New Yorkers diversify their cuisine choices.

“Manhattan was looked to as the food part of the city, but over the last couple of years, with these new food sites and food shows, people are exploring other boroughs, which I think is great,” she said.

GrubHub and Seamless also provided amNewYork with the most-ordered food in the city from last May to this year and salad was the top choice in Manhattan and Brooklyn while burgers reigned supreme in Queens and the Bronx and pizza topped Staten Island orders.

“A lot of people order through us for lunch,” Hunt said. “If a lot of people work in downtown Manhattan or Brooklyn they may just be ordering salads through lunch for a quick meal.”