
After viral video, vigilantes – and NYPD – find alleged subway abductor

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Video footage recorded by a fellow straphanger and posted on social media Monday shows a man apparently attempting to kidnap a woman on a subway train in the Bronx.

The footage uploaded to YouTube on Dec. 30 shows the male individual lifting a woman off out of her seat and carrying her out onto the Morrison Avenue-Soundview station platform, along the 6 Train line. As of 4:55 p.m., it had more than 126,000 views on YouTube.

Now, two other videos show an individual similar to the man in the first video being assaulted on the street by multiple people.

Though the victim has not come forward, NYPD spoke to witnesses whose information led to the arrest of Sonny Alloway, 48.

Alloway was charged with unlawful imprisonment and lives just blocks from where the incident took place at Metcalf Avenue and 172nd Street in Soundview.

Warning: the content below is graphic and depicts violence.



After bringing the woman to a nearby bench, she got up and reboarded the train car. Riders were visibly shaken, shouting profanities while also calling for assistance.

The man, after sitting on the bench for a brief moment, walks away from the scene as passengers held the doors open and called for help. The woman, meanwhile, attempted to rouse her sleeping father following the incident.

amNewYork reached out to the NYPD to confirm that the incident occurred and the video’s veracity. We are awaiting a response. 

The Morrison Avenue-Soundview station is located within the 43rd Precinct’s confines.

See the full video posted to YouTube below (WARNING: contains graphic language, viewer discretion advised):