Bad landlords to Indian Pt.
To The Editor:
Oops…watch out… . The Villager is in danger of becoming the Village Voice (early on when the Voice’s investigative reporting excelled), what, with articles revealing Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner’s seamy side as a landlord of several East Village buildings; tenants without cooking gas for many months, thanks to another prize landlord in the East Village, and news about Indian Point and an editorial about Rivington House.
Keep up the good work!
Gloria Sukenick
Do the right thing
To The Editor:
Re “Toledano set to toss in the towel on 13 E. Village tenements” (news article, Dec. 8):
Thanks to reporter Dennis Lynch for this article and thank you to The Villager for your continued efforts to report on the ongoing crisis of what is happening in our neighborhood. People want to stay in their homes.
My family’s legal struggles with Toledano (or new Landlord X), now in their 14th month, will most likely continue for another six to eighth months. There is no denying that it is a very stressful situation, but it is the right thing to do. And your reporting on this is also the right thing to do. We are grateful.
Craig Smith
Stiffler be praised! Amen!
To The Editor:
Re “Froth and go forth: ‘GATHER!’ at Reverend Billy’s new show” (arts article, Nov. 24):
The Villager generally and Scott Stiffler particularly have been the steady interlocutors on behalf of our activist-theater project for the last while, for which perhaps it’s true that we haven’t found a good way to show our gratitude.
Savitri D, our director, feels that Scott is the best writer treating our work in the current period, in this time since we settled into our residency at the Public Theater and our studio residence at the Lower Eastside Girls Club on E. Eighth St.
We have had good houses early in our run, and we are grateful to you two for being there for us. We took a risk going to Standing Rock from Nov. 20 to 28, the Thanks(taking) week. We believe Scott’s piece during that period made it possible to fill the house upon our return. We think that instead of mindless praise, Scott’s writing intrigues people.
Anyway, thank you. Earthalujah!
Bill Talen a.k.a. Reverend Billy
We shall not be MOVE’d
To The Editor:
Re “In a new groove with MOVE” (letter, by Chris Mustello, Nov. 24, 2016):
I don’t doubt that Mr. Mustello enjoys his new MOVE food cart, and as a disabled veteran vendor he surely deserves one. The problem is not the carts, it’s the corruption motivating elected officials to sponsor a bill that would increase the number of food carts from the current 8,000 to 16,000.
These officials are pretending that they are helping immigrant vendors. In reality, they are trying to pass Intro No. 1303, in order to help one corporation backed by a Wall St. billionaire, a credit card company, a gas-fracking company and a U.S. intelligence operative.
Readers should note that at the Oct. 26 public hearing on Intro No. 1303, every community board, every business improvement district, every New York City government agency and representatives of all the legal vendors in the city, were unanimous in opposing this bill’s passage.
Robert Lederman
Lederman is president, ARTIST (Artists’ Response to Illegal State Tactics)
E-mail letters, not longer than 250 words in length, to or fax to 212-229-2790 or mail to The Villager, Letters to the Editor, 1 Metrotech North, 10th floor, Brooklyn, NY, NY 11201. Please include phone number for confirmation purposes. The Villager reserves the right to edit letters for space, grammar, clarity and libel. Anonymous letters will not be published.