
50 years ago in The Villager

Nov. 19, 1953

* Two hundred Greenwich Village residents turned out to urge the Board of Estimate to approve the capital budget, including $2 million for replacement of the inadequate and archaic Public School 41 building at Greenwich Ave. and Charles St.

* Roderic L. O’Connor, special assistant to U.S. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, gave a talk, “Around the World With the Secretary of State,” to the First Assembly District Republican Club at its headquarters, 40 W. 10th St.

* A Con Edison ad encouraged Villager readers to go buy “at your favorite store” the latest bedtime innovation — electric blankets: “No more squirming under a mountain of covers to keep warm,” the ad copy read. “It’s custom-

tailored comfort to help you sleep better all winter long…. So inexpensive to operate.”

* At the meeting of the local Daughters of the American Revolution chapter at the Women’s Engineering Club, at 4 Washington Sq. N., a bronze emblem was presented by another D.A.R. chapter to be mounted on a mahogany base to be used as the holder of a silk American flag.