The upcoming week’s schedule of Community Board 1 committee meetings is below. Unless otherwise noted, all committee meetings are held at the board office located at 49 Chambers St., Room 709.
On Mon. July 25 the Financial District Committee will meet at 6 p.m. to discuss and draft a resolution about a street activity permit for New St. between Beaver and Exchange Place on August 18; and for a discussion about Century 21 signage and planters.
On Tues. July 26 the full board will meet at 6 p.m. at Southbridge Towers, 90 Beekman St., Community Room. Following the public session, the board will discuss the following topics: Safeway Environmental Corporation and the Demolition of 130 Liberty St.; Friends of Community Board 1; the Fulton Transit Center; the JFK rail link; deconstruction of Fiterman Hall and 130 Liberty St.; Site 5C community center; middle school on the west side; Beekman St. school; Hudson River Park Segment 3 design; Route 9A; and other topics.
On Wed. July 27 the Small Business Task Force will meet at 6 p.m. to review the scope of the task force and identify future agenda items and to discuss additional taxi stands for Lower Manhattan.
On Thurs. July 28 the Quality of Life Committee will meet at 6 p.m. to discuss special stickers for local residential loading and unloading; to discuss trailers on Greenwich St. between Thames and Rector Sts. behind AMEX; to discuss vendors at the W.T.C. site; and for a presentation by Transgas System about discounted electricity to Downtown and environmental improvements to the air quality.
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