
CB4 Fumes at Port Authority Bus Terminal Project

While the current Port Authority Bus Terminal is an outdated eyesore, CB4 is concerned about the proposed renovation’s effects on the surrounding community. Photo by Yannic Rack.
While the current Port Authority Bus Terminal is an outdated eyesore, CB4 is concerned about the proposed renovation’s effects on the surrounding community. Photo by Yannic Rack.

BY SEAN EGAN | If the tenor of last week’s full board meeting of Community Board 4 (CB4) is any indication, the proposed expansion — and possible relocation — of the Port Authority Bus Terminal will be a stalwart presence on their list of agenda items for quite some time to come.

Throughout the May 4 gathering, the general atmosphere was one of hostility toward the renovation of the outdated terminal, especially regarding the threat of eminent domain — the process by which the city or state government takes control of private property for public works. Through allusions to and jabs at the Port Authority’s expense, and discussion of contingency plans, it became clear the situation has been weighing heavily on the minds of residents, elected officials, and CB4 members — all of whom are preparing for a long fight.

The subject came up almost from the meeting’s outset. After introductory words, the public comment session was opened by some passionate thoughts from W. 45th St. resident Tom Cayler, who wasted no time in railing against the “PA: the Pathetic Authority” as he referred to the agency.

Cayler thanked CB4 Chair Delores Rubin and the Board for helping to put together an April 18 town hall-style meeting between community members, elected officials, and Port Authority officials. As Chelsea Now reported on April 20, the meeting saw hundreds of residents come out and speak, and offer up suggestions — such as the popular solution of building the new terminal in New Jersey’s Meadowlands, and then building a light rail into Manhattan.

“This is only the first shot in the battle,” Cayler asserted, while going on to decry the Authority’s inefficient operation of the Lincoln Tunnel.

Tom Cayler (right) thanks CB4 Chair Delores Rubin (left) for her involvement in the town hall that took the “Pathetic Authority” to task. Photo by Sean Egan.
Tom Cayler (right) thanks CB4 Chair Delores Rubin (left) for her involvement in the town hall that took the “Pathetic Authority” to task. Photo by Sean Egan.

Shortly thereafter, the meeting saw a surprise visit from US Representative Jerrold Nadler, who delivered a short speech. While his comments regarding various pieces of legislation he helped pass or has been advocating for were well-received, the immediate inquiry posed to Nadler, when he was done speaking, concerned his thoughts on the expansion proposal.

“I don’t like their plan,” Nadler said without hesitation. “I certainly don’t like this use of eminent domain that’s been threatened.”

Nadler recognized, though, that the situation revealed no easy solutions, and had rightly been a source of tension within the Authority. New Jerseyans seem just as resistant to change on their end, with Nadler reporting they assert the Authority “can’t do anything to Jersey.” It’s created what Nadler referred to as a “poisonous” atmosphere that is doing no good.

“It’s not a zero sum game. It’s not New Jersey versus New York,” Nadler reminded, hoping level heads would prevail, and some compromise could be reached. Still, though, he reiterated his opposition to the way eminent domain threatens the surrounding neighborhood.

“We have to fight this. I don’t like this proposal,” Nadler concluded, in no uncertain terms, to applause. “We will fight this.”

The items on the board’s agenda that dealt specifically with the Port Authority situation involved similarly spirited (and heated words) about the project, and the board’s course of action going forward.

Congressmember Jerrold Nadler had firm words against the Port Authority’s possible use of eminent domain. Photo by Sean Egan.
Congressmember Jerrold Nadler had firm words against the Port Authority’s possible use of eminent domain. Photo by Sean Egan.

Item 10, a letter to the Port Authority concerning the Bus Terminal town hall, provoked board member Maarten de Kadt to advocate for stronger wording regarding the support of neighborhoods like Chelsea during Hell’s Kitchen’s plight, stating, “It’s going to affect not just Hell’s Kitchen, but all of us.”

JD Noland, the board member who authored the letter, responded by saying that he could include some general language to indicate the support outside of Hell’s Kitchen that was present at the meeting, but wanted to keep the focus more narrow this time around. He guaranteed though, that a broader focus would grace “the next letter,” laughing that the group would send “one a month,” to continue their campaign against the terminal. The letter was then passed, unanimously.

Item 11 was a letter addressed to elected officials about the situation. During the discussion of this letter, board member Betty Mackintosh suggested that the board needed to have a presence at future Port Authority meetings, noting that they needed to “go to board meetings and stand up, and make comments” in order for the Authority to take notice and listen to them. Rubin agreed with her sentiment, and took things a step further by saying, “We need to get T-shirts made.”

Board member Brad Pascerella then noted that Mayor de Blasio was not cc’d on the letter, an oversight which Rubin thanked him for noticing. The letter was then, like the previous one, passed unanimously.

“This will be the first of many to our elected officials,” Rubin said sternly.

Soon after, the shorter-than-usual meeting drew to a close — though if there’s one thing for certain, it’s that CB4 is gearing up for a long battle against the Port Authority, and will not back down easily.