

battery park city parks conservancy, Community Room at the Regatta, 21 S. End Ave., 212-267-9700: Through April 27-“Stories and Songs,” share the joy of music and storytelling with your infants, toddlers and preschoolers, sessions run on Wednesdays from 9:30 a.m.-12:40 p.m., $192 for 16 sessions.

children’s galleries for jewish culture, 515 W. 20th St., 212-924-4500: Weekly-Arts & crafts for children ages 6-12, from mosaics and models to weaving and jewelry, 2-5 p.m., $5 per person; Feb. 13-Arts & crafts, work with little stones to create mosaics, 2-5 p.m., $5.

the educational alliance, 197 E. Broadway, 212-780-2300, x378: Starting Feb. 14-After school and weekend classes in art for kids ages 10-18, registration still open, $95 per 10 week course.

gotham comedy club, 34 W. 22nd St., 212-877-6115: Feb. 13-Kids ‘N’ Comedy show, 2 p.m., $15.

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