
Feelings on 9/11’s anniversary and the ‘Bush agenda’


Photos and interviews by Jefferson Siegel

At the corner of Bleecker and Grove Sts.

Name: Roberta Kurtz

Lives: Grove St.

Occupation: Sales

Where were you on 9/11/01? At one point I went to my roof and actually saw the flames coming out of the first building before it collapsed.

How do you plan to observe 9/11 this year? There’s going to be Mozart’s “Requiem” at Merkin Hall.

President Bush is coming to Ground Zero on Sept. 10. Do you think he’s coming to honor 9/11 or is he looking for votes? To get votes.

Do you think the media is hyping the fifth anniversary of 9/11? I don’t get the feeling they’re overhyping it. It’s something that we should never forget. We should honor that day.

Name: Robert Blacker

Lives: Grove St.

Occupation: Theater producer

Where were you on 9/11/01? Teaching at the University of Iowa.

How do you plan to observe 9/11 this year? I’m meeting some friends in Chinatown, which is closer to the World Trade Center location. We’re going to gather, have lunch and then read poetry that has some meaning for us and a relationship to the 9/11 event.

President Bush is coming to Ground Zero on Sept. 10. Do you think he’s coming to honor 9/11 or is he looking for votes? He’s coming to exploit 9/11. I don’t really think he cares about New York City or the people who live and work here.

Do you think the media is hyping the fifth anniversary of 9/11? Yes. I think an occasion like this is best observed by some quiet reflection and not a lot of hoopla. The best way to honor the people who died there is to give them some thought, and we don’t need the politicians or media to help us do that.

Name: Joyce Tracy

Lives: Minnesota; moving to West Village in three months

Occupation: Building renovation

Where were you on 9/11/01? Minnesota

How do you plan to observe 9/11 this year? Probably not.

President Bush is coming to Ground Zero on Sept. 10. Do you think he’s coming to honor 9/11 or is he looking for votes? I don’t think President Bush honors anything. I think it would be more for looking for votes.

Do you think the media is hyping the fifth anniversary of 9/11? I think the media always hypes things, because I think it hits people’s emotions.

Name: Michael Fiorillo

Lives: Greenwich Village

Occupation: New York City public high school teacher

Where were you on 9/11/01? Long Island City, Queens, where I teach. I saw the north tower collapse from the roof of my school.

How do you plan to observe 9/11 this year? To reflect about it, as I often do.

President Bush is coming to Ground Zero on Sept. 10. Do you think he’s coming to honor 9/11 or is he looking for votes? I think he’s coming to exploit it.

Do you think the media is hyping the fifth anniversary of 9/11? It’s hard to say, as a New Yorker who lived through it. It’s unavoidable that it’s going to be looked at, but the media tends to exploit it, as well, for their own purposes.

Name: Jessica Ahoubim

Lives: Greenwich St.

Occupation: N.Y.U. sophomore, studying history

Where were you on 9/11/01? I was in high school on Long Island.

How do you plan to observe 9/11 this year? No plans.

President Bush is coming to Ground Zero on Sept. 10. Do you think he’s coming to honor 9/11 or is he looking for votes? I think his approval ratings dropped significantly the past year and he’s coming to Ground Zero, like he did last time, when his approval ratings soared. So, in order to boost his approval rating, I think it’s a publicity stunt.

Do you think the media is hyping the fifth anniversary of 9/11? Of course, like anything else. Like Katrina, there’s always an anniversary for something.

Name: Jenni Killmer

Lives: Christopher St.

Occupation: I.T. Manager

Where were you on 9/11/01? I was living in Minneapolis and I had just arrived at work when the planes hit.

How do you plan to observe 9/11 this year? I don’t have plans.

President Bush is coming to Ground Zero on Sept. 10. Do you think he’s coming to honor 9/11 or is he looking for votes? Bush obviously does everything that he can to try to get people’s support for his own agenda. People all over the country feel very emotionally about 9/11. This is a great P.R. stunt for Bush.

Do you think the media is hyping the fifth anniversary of 9/11? I find it unusual that so many people are talking about the health issues now. It just seems like that’s all I’m hearing about now. I just wonder if it’s diverting attention in some way. Or the other way around, it’s trying to bring attention to 9/11 when maybe some people might not have thought about it otherwise.